全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00
來源: 上海燎原雙語學校 編輯:佚名
Two months ago, Liaoyuan joined the Shanghai School Sports Association (SSSA) and our sports program got the quick charge it needed to start building a culture of sport at our school.
本月,燎原的籃球隊取得了質的飛躍。首先,U13男子籃球隊請來了Lavelle Emerson成為新教練,Lavelle Emerson曾擔任NBA夏季聯賽以及瑞典和挪威的青年國家隊的教練超過20年。以下是男孩們與新教練**次訓練時的照片:
This month, our basketball program got a shot in the arm when our U13 boys basketball team secured Lavelle Emerson as their new coach. Mr Emerson has over 20 years experience coaching in the NBA summer leagues as well as the junior national teams of Sweden and Norway. Here are some photos of the boys in their first sessions with the new coach:
Also this month, our U13 Girls and U19 Boys Basketball teams were formed, giving more of our students the chance to experience competitive school sports for the first time in their lives.
The experience of our U19 boys basketball team in particular is one that our departing captain Elijah will remember long after he leaves our school. He was an important part of getting this team together in the first place and he did it all knowing that he would only be around to enjoy it for a few weeks.
His leadership and love for the game will be sorely missed by his teammates now that he leaves for Los Angeles. For this newsletter, we’ve asked him to write about the team’s experience in its first month together, where they finished undefeated:
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