



全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00


來源: 上海燎原雙語學校      編輯:佚名

盡管這是一個充滿艱難挑戰的時期,但我們仍舊非常欣喜地宣布:上海燎原雙語學校已經正式成為國際文憑組織授權的IB MYP中學項目的認證學校!

It is with absolute delight in this challenging period that we would like to announce that Shanghai Liaoyuan Bilingual School is an authorized IB World School for the Middle Years Program (MYP)!




2018年7月,燎原雙語正式成為IB PYP小學項目認證學校,我們的IB MYP中學項目的審核期在2019年底完成,而至2020年1月,燎原已經成為IB DP大學預科項目候選校。

幾乎同時期,我校四所姐妹幼兒園(閔行曉苗幼兒園、浦東學樂星幼兒園、莘松曉苗幼兒園以及松江學樂星青橙幼兒園)亦先后成為了IB PYP早期教育項目的候選園。

This has been an incredibly busy time for LYBS and Yushen Education Group with the school becoming an authorized PYP school in July 2018 and a DP candidate school in January 2020. In addition, 4 of our kindergartens are currently candidate schools for PYP in the Early Years.



The MYP is a natural progression from the PYP program and offers the academic rigour required by students to move on to the Diploma Program (DP) in High School. As with the PYP, we have integrated the Chinese National Curriculum with the MYP framework to create a stimulating, challenging program for all students.



我們很榮幸能加入為數不多開設IB MYP項目的精英雙語學校之列,為廣大的學生家庭提供學習世界知名教育項目的機會和環境。

We are delighted to join the few elite bilingual schools that are offering this program as a choice to students and parents.


A big thank you must go to the board of the school and management for supporting the implementation of the program. However, the biggest thank you must go to all out teachers, parents and students. Without you, our school would not be the happy place it is today.


One man brought this together and this was our wonderful MYP Coordinator. His knowledge and enthusiasm has really helped push the implementation of the MYP and its final accreditation.

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