全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00
來源: 上海燎原雙語學校 編輯:佚名
上海燎原雙語學校英文部外方校長Iain Riley先生前幾日風塵仆仆從蘇格蘭回到中國,盡管知道疫情蔓延,這個早已把中國當作第二故鄉的”老外“仍然義無反顧飛回上海主持學校**。
疫情還在蔓延,但他知道他的“老外”教職員工和學生們更需要他。Iain Riley先生很能理解即將返回中國的外教們對于疫情的擔憂,Iain校長對此了然于心,于是他寫了一封長信——
Firstly, we hope that you are having a safe holiday. As you aware the coronavirus has spread across China and the globe. I know that every person has been scared.
However, China is one of the few counties that has been able to slowly contain the virus through stopping movement between provinces and asking people to stay at home to stop the spread of the disease.
In relation to the SARS epidemic, this virus even though higher in numbers has a much lower mortality rate. Which country has been able to build two hospitals in little over a week.
Shanghai has been affected by the virus but far fewer cases have been confirmed. As of today, Friday 11 February, there are 303 confirmed cases, 52 healed and one mortality.
Considering the number of people that live in Shanghai, this is remarkable. This has been done by limiting the movement of people and asking them to stay indoors and also the extension of the National holiday.
The government has offered updates on a daily basis which has been communicated with me through school. They do not wish for the virus to spread and this is why schools will not open till the end of February at the earliest.
I know and understand that many of you are concerned about safety but from my opinion Shanghai is one of the safest places to be. You are able to buy fruit, vegetables and meat at supermarkets. Yesterday I went to City Shop and got everything I needed.
You are required to wear a mask when you are in public transport, malls and shops. I am aware that there is a great shortage globally at the moment. The Shanghai government has helped with this situation. You can register with your compound management using your passport and you will be issued a ticket to collect and pay for masks at your local pharmacy.
It may be strange not to see people on the streets but this is not because they are told to stay inside but they do not want to spread the virus.
On return to Shanghai, the school will ask on behalf of the Municipal government that you maintain quarantine for 14 days. This is for your own safety as you are returning from another country. I am totally aware that you will need to go out and buy food however as I am doing, work from home and help protect Shanghai and yourself from the spread of the virus.
As the Western Principal, I have been in contact with the school on a daily basis and have helped communicate with staff to the best of my ability. The school has been fantastic.
I came back early from the UK not because I had to but because I owed it to the management team here with all the work they were doing and wanted to help the school and our students. Communication can be difficult from time to time not because we are holding information from you but because things are changing every day and the Shanghai Municipal Government is doing everything in its power to control the virus.
Please remember that this is global issue and in terms of China and challenging one. No country in history has tried to have all students from kindergarten to University take part in online learning.
We know this is a worrying time for all but please be rest assured that the school and the Shanghai Municipal Government are working closely together to ensure the safety of staff, students and parents and the continued education of the students.
We will continue to communicate with you in a timely manner as and when new information comes out and we look forward to your return and supporting LYBS and the greater China.
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