



全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00


來源: 上海燎原雙語學校      編輯:佚名



Last academic year, 2019 - 2020 LYBS decided to apply for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) and become an IBDP Candidate School. LYBS has already been authorised to offer the prestigious IB Primary Years and Middle Years Programmes.




On Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th October 2020, we had our “IBDP Consultation Visit”, which was done virtually due to the pandemic. We had very productive two days with the IB consultant, who was extremely impressed with our school facilities, documentation, overall preparation and commitment. She especially mentioned the readiness of the school facilities with regards to the visual arts studio, performing arts recording room and the science laboratories.


Our school community contributed and participated with enthusiasm. We had a mix of grade 9 and 10 students and parents, who were also part of the consultation process. The consultant commended the level of confidence parents expressed in the school leadership and teachers. Furthermore, parents also exhibited a keen interest in the IB Diploma Programme and the opportunities this will offer their children for tertiary education. Students too were very excited about the prospects of attending the IBDP. They displayed a deep understanding of the rigour and commitment needed to succeed. We are very proud of our community!


In addition, a team of prospective IBDP teachers had the opportunity to be interviewed by the IB consultant. The teachers shared amazing ideas and plans they had already devised for teaching the respective IB Diploma Programme subjects. The consultant discussed IB teaching and learning philosophy in detail with the teachers. They talked about integrating into their lessons the IB Learner Profile, Theory of Knowledge, Creativity Activity & Service, International Mindedness, and Approaches to Teaching and Learning. Teachers exhibited a level of both enthusiasm and preparedness that impressed the IB consultant.


This was the second step, following submission of the application for candidacy, and we are now working towards our application for authorization, with the expectation to get the verification visit by end of this calendar year. A huge thank you to everyone who participated and supported LYBS towards the success of this milestone event and looking forward to the next successful steps sooner than later.

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