



全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00


來源: 上海燎原雙語學校      編輯:佚名






Recently, Liaoyuan High School students began brainstorming ideas for the English Department’s Scary Story Competition.The theme of this writing coincided with a previous Halloween event.


Students had to compose a story ofat least 100 words to chill the bones of the reader. A winner and runner-upwere picked from each grade level; IEP, 9th, 10th and 11th Grade. The winners received a small prize and a certificate recognizing their effort and good writing skills.


Havea a read of some excerpts from the winners’ entries, but be warned, they’rescary!


“He walks to the door and opens itgently, it makes a harsh sound and he looks out. He sees a black shadow flash past, with a strange shape. His heart is beating fast…” (Vivian, winner G10)


“‘None of them can get out,’ as he said this,the branches extended from the tree, slowly but strongly winding up thestudents, and then rooted to the soil, it slowly wrapped around, round andround, until dawn…” (Harelda, winner-IEP)


“I was scared, so I decided to getout. Soon I found out that all the doors were locked. Then I noticed that the paintings were hung upside down – they weren’t like this yesterday…” (Lucas, winner G9)

“她拿了血淋淋的刀,開始切肉,把鍋里的肉切開,開始煮。10分鐘后,她將煮熟的肉放在桌子上……“是時候吃飯了”她說。但是沒有回復?!?Jennifer,G11冠軍)“She took the bloody knife and began to cut the meat, out the meat in the pot and began to boil it. After 10minutes, she put the cooked meat on the table…‘It’s time to eat dinner,’ she said. But there was no reply.” (Jennifer, winner G11)


Teachers were very happy with theen tries they received, and students enjoyed the opportunity to write something creative and creepy. Teachers know that students love writing for an audience and it was clear students enjoyed this fun and engaging opportunity to write a narrative.



Definition of optimization: An act,process, or methodology of making something (such as a design, system, ordecision) as fully perfect, functional, or effective as possible. In mathematics, we refer to the mathematical procedures (such as finding the maximum or minimum of a function) as optimization.


Purpose: Students are supposed to complete a paper power with limited resources and time in order to optimize benefits with limited cost.




Using only two pieces of A4 paper and 1 roll of tape, students construct a tower that stands as tall as possible ON ITS OWN. Students can understand the concept of optimization through the process and also being creative. This is a great activity for all ages as well as getting students together in teams to work with limited supplies and time to build a freestanding tower of paper. To higher level classes, the design of the paper tower can be extended to engineering-oriented problem solving including optimization of single-variable design using calculus concepts.



Teacher feedback: What can help us to work together and solve problems as a team? The class works in groups to design paper towers that will be as tall as possible. At the end of the competition groups reflect on their experiences with the activity and make connections to the types of problem solving they will be doing for the math class. This competition can help develop skills and attributes such as thinking, inquiring, risk-taking, communication, open-minded, social, competitiveness, and reflective.


非??简瀳F隊合作精神,創新精神,和不放棄的精神。需要根據小組的討論,嘗試各種新的搭建方法。時時反思與感悟。(11-1 Gino, Avril, and Jason)

The project challenged our teamwork, creativity and resilience. We had a lot of group discussions and tried all kinds of methods. We reflected and rethought about our ideas all the time.

比賽非常有趣,需要很強的團隊合作精神,需要不斷探究各種設計然后選擇比較好的設計方案。(11-2 Kelly and Ivan)

The project was fun. It required strong team work. We spent time on different designs and finally decided on the best one.



This fall semester at English Division, students in all grades took part in a challenge in their science classes. Working in small groups, the students were given the task of building a small-scale bridge that would hopefully be the strongest in their class.


Using resources from the internet and their knowledge of science, the students designed and built their bridges from limited and difficult to use materials given to them by their science teachers. Our most senior students received a very difficult material to use, spaghetti, while lower grades used materials that were easier to work with, toothpicks and balsa wood.


Working hard during their free time, our students finished their bridges and were excited to see how strong they were. We tested their bridges by placing eachend of the bridges on supports and incrementally added masses to the bridges until the structure broke. Most students designed and built good bridges but a few students built exceptional ones. Ones that we ran out of masses to add and couldn't break!


While each class could only have one winner for having the strongest bridge, all students enjoyed the opportunity to apply their curiosity and knowledge in one of many of our school's hands-on science activities.

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