全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00
來源: 上海燎原雙語學校 編輯:佚名
作為備受全球眾多優秀大學青睞的國際課程體系,IB(文憑組織)有著以學生為中心,注重全人教育發展等特點。自2016年獲得IB PYP候選學校以來,上海燎原雙語學校已經先后成為了IB PYP、IB MYP階段的認證學校。
2020年1月,上海市燎原雙語學校成為IB DP候選學校。該認證項目由本學年新加入的IBDP**專家Prachi女士擔任協調員,經過大量且充分的準備,學校于近期進行了在線驗證訪問,兩天的認證過程充滿挑戰與期待。
Shanghai Liaoyuan Bilingual School was successfully confirmed as an IB Diploma Programme candidate school in January 2020.After extensive preparations, we went through the virtual verification visit on Thursday 17th and Friday 18th December. The two days were both a grueling and enriching experience.
The two IB experienced visitors virtually met with all the prospective Diploma Programme teachers and counselors, along with the Chairman, Head of School, English Division Principals and grade 9 & 10 students and parents. Each and every person showed commitment and in-depth knowledge of the IB philosophy and curriculum.
Day one meetings started with the Diploma Programme Coordinator, Head of School, English Division Principals followed by a meeting with the Chairman and IB DP Core Coordinators.
Most of these interactions involved discussions around the vision and mission of LYBS and its deep connection and alignment with the IB Mission further confirming the LYBS commitment to develop successful interculturally minded citizens, who embrace diversity and respect individual differences.
After lunch IB consultants met with grade 9 & 10 students and parents. It was interesting to see the level interest our current students showed in pursuing the IB Diploma Programme. They displayed confidence that IBDP would definitely give them more options when applying to universities, as the IB Diploma is so well recognized and accepted by universities all over the world.
Parents praised the direction the school is heading and its commitment to raise inquiring minds and always provide the best quality education to their children. They acknowledged the value the IB Diploma programme would add to the already existing excellent programmes in the English Division of our High school.
Day two started with meetings with teachers from all six subject groups. Some very interesting discussions took place, where the Mathematics teacher, linked IB Theory of knowledge to Mathematics, giving examples from World War II and incidents that lead to the development of the surviving bias theory which is based on statisticians not focusing on facts for which data is not available.
他繼續提到,數學家和專家們正在研究并建議,根據返回的飛機上的彈孔主要在哪里發現,增加額外的安全層。幸存偏差理論是在亞伯拉罕-瓦爾德指出,在那些飛機被擊落而沒有返回的情況下,根據其他區域增加額外的安全層,描繪了純粹的智慧和不同的思維方式,這也是IB ToK課程的精髓所在。
He went on to mention that mathematicians and experts were studying and suggesting adding an extra layer of security based on where the bullet holes were mostly found on the planes that returned.
The surviving bias theory was developed after Abraham Wald pointed out that adding extra layers of security based on other areas as those planes got shot down and did not return, depictied pure intelligence and a different way of thinking which is the essence of the IB ToK course as well.
The IB visiting team found this example, among many others made by other colleagues of different subject areas, very interesting and a clear way of demonstrating solid understanding of ToK.
另一個非常有趣的討論是與視覺藝術老師討論了 "藝術語言",以及像 "卍 "字這樣的符號在不同的文化和國家有什么不同的含義。
Another very interesting discussion took place with the Visual Arts teacher with regards to the “language of the arts” and how a symbol such as the swastika has different meanings in different cultures and countries.
Of course, there were also conversations about the development of the LYBS Creativity Activity and Service (CAS) programme in collaboration with Amazing House and the Extended Essay and overall demands of the role of teacher supervisors in these two other core components of the IB DP.
Last but not the least was the meeting with the University guidance counselors and school counselor, and these revolved around the well-being and meeting various needs of all learners.
當日的在線訪問以IBDP協調員和校長的道別告終。IB團隊的反饋用他們的話說是 "令人印象深刻"!他們認為,IB課程對學校將會是一個很好的選擇。
Lastly, the IB visiting team had the opportunity to “join us” on a virtual tour of the school. The tour included a visit to various classes of the English Division, where they got a chance to see teaching in action, and other function rooms such as the recording studio, Visual Arts studio, science labs and preparation rooms, exam storage and administration spaces, the infirmary and last but certainly not least the library.
The day and the visit ended with the exit meeting with the Diploma Programme Coordinator and the Head of School, where the feedback received from the IB team was to use their own word “impressive”!
A huge, heartfelt thank you to the whole community for their support and hard work. We are looking forward to be officially authorized and welcome our first IB Diploma Programme students in September 2021.
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