全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00
來源: 上海燎原雙語學校 編輯:佚名
Dear LYBS Community. . . Friends:
2020注定是不平凡的一年,我們的情緒如坐過山車一般,充滿著驚喜、氣憤、甚至是悲傷,但依舊充滿著希望。What a year this has been that we will never forget . . . a roller-coaster of emotions . . . surprise, anger, sadness, desperation . . . and as always hope!
疫情使我們都受到了或多或少的影響,而我們也都得到了成長,重新認識了自己、他人和這個世界。We have all been affected. We have all suffered, one way or another but still we have all learned . . . about ourselves, others, the world!
我們明白,即便在不利的環境下,我們依舊可以保持堅韌、富有創造力甚至能夠在逆境中保持樂觀的精神,我們繼續奮斗著,*容著,并關愛著!We have learned that we can be resilient, creative, even happy under adverse circumstances . . . that we can fight, endure, care together!
我們亦成長成為更好的自己,迎接值得期待的2021和嶄新的未來。We are now better equipped . . . better prepared to face the future and hopefully a great and successful 2021 and beyond!
因此,在假期來臨之際,讓我們“沉靜淡定,好好休息,繼續前進”,帶著燦爛的笑容和開放的心態迎接新的一年和新的挑戰。So “keep calm, have a good rest and carry on” to the next year . . . the next adventure, with a big smile and an open mind!
在此誠摯地向大家表示衷心的感謝,順祝2021新年快樂!Happy New Year 2021 & THANK YOU all from the bottom of our heart.
LYBS Senior Leadership Team
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