



全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00

上海燎原雙語學校IB PYP教師培訓順利進行

來源: 上海燎原雙語學校      編輯:佚名


This week we welcomed back the current teachers and extended a warm welcome to the new teachers of Shanghai Liaoyuan Bilingual School. We began the school year with an introductory day where new and previous teachers could create bonds, ask questions and connect or reconnect with the team.

IB PYP 國際文憑小學項目培訓.jpg

IB PYP 國際文憑小學項目培訓

在過去的一個半禮拜中,燎原雙語學校的全體教職員工都參與了高強度的IB PYP教學方法培訓,為即將到來的新學年做準備。在燎原,我們毫無保留地全力支持教師相互之間取長補短。在本次研討中,很多優秀教師都會在培訓中就自己的專長作專門分享,大家共同求進步。

Over the past week and a half, all teachers of Liaoyuan have undergone a variety of trainings to become prepared for the upcoming year in PYP methodology. At Liaoyuan, we give full power to teachers teaching teachers. Many teachers prepared workshops and trainings for the staff to educate them in their specialized area.

貫穿于在本周IB PYP的培訓與研討會中的內容,*括燎原雙語學校PYP課程體系實施的政策解析,開展PYP課程的教學過程細節,自然拼讀法的教授,The Daily 5 Reading項目等等。本周的培訓的的氣氛更像一個超級跨學科的教研會,教師們積極相互合作備課,*括新加坡數學課程,Raz-kids分級閱讀課程,中心學科PSPE(個人、社會和體育教育)等。 同時,新老教師共同研讀了燎原教職員工手冊,也對新學期緊接著要進行的教育課題進行了研討。

Trainings and workshops conducted throughout the week were related to policies and procedures, phonics, the Daily 5 reading program, building a more transdisciplinary unit, collaborative planning, Singapore Maths, Raz-kids, PSPE, the LYBS Staff handbook and upcoming events.

另外,在本學期燎原雙語學校啟用了 Managebac 家校溝通在線平臺,屆時相關與教學教務和家校溝通會更加明朗化,學校政策、課堂學習、校園活動和家庭作業等都可以讓學生、教師和家長在這個平臺上開放地交流。

We are excited to announce the beginning of Managebac which is an online platform that will allow open communication with parents regarding school policies, classroom tasks, school activities and homework programs.




This year the school has also introduced the House System, where students will be allocated to a colored house and have the opportunity to gain points for their house through UOI and sports carnival participation.


We are also pleased to welcome two student teachers from Sydney’s Notre Dame University who will be integrating into grade 3 and 5 for the first unit, as part of their university practicum.

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