



全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00


來源: 上海燎原雙語學校      編輯:佚名


So, what are the extra-curricular offered in the English Division of Shanghai Liaoyuan Bilingual High School? In order to give parents more information, today, we will introduce how Liaoyuan develops their extra-curricular.We hope that this overview will not only get you to know more about the school, but provide you more valuable references when you make choices.






The SRC is an important part of life here at Liaoyuan. The students that have been elected by their peers and teacher play an big role in developing events and implementing plans for the future. SRC student do a number of things such as the year book, student-led clubs, host the graduation ceremonies, organize the Thanksgiving parade, and Christmas party just to name a few. These students are not just successful in class, they set a great example for the other students.


秋季學期燎原英文部會舉辦「英語配音大賽」和「中國詩歌大賽」,「商賽」(可點擊查閱) 同學們發揮所長,各顯其能,并且不斷積累所學,每年都會躍躍欲試,并取得好成績。

Academic events maybe sound a little boring, but we found a way to make it fun! Movie dubbing is a great way to show off your English skills. Chinese Poetry is also a great way to show the creativity we have. Even a business competition can make something complicated very fun.


燎原英文部高中開設近50個選修課及俱樂部,*括韓語、法語、西班牙語、攝影、書法、篆刻、藝術手工、素描、影視制作、戲劇表演、漫畫制作、國際象棋、工程項目、拳擊、劍道、拉丁舞、羽毛球、籃球、足球、網球、乒乓球、健身操等等。 讓學生在學術課程之外,發展一技之長,培養興趣。

This year we have more than 50 electives to choose from. The electives range from world languages, the arts, drama, chess, sports and Chinese traditional culture. We have so many clubs that you will find something that you can get excited about.



MUN stands for Model United Nations. The students that have signed up for this elective get to have a feel for what it might be like working on the international stage. They get real world UN topics. From these topics they give proposals, form plans, and create alliances with other 「countries」 from other schools. MUN has been around for along time, and we hope to continue this club tradition here at Liaoyuan.



Our performing arts electives are divided into two groups, Band and Dance. These two groups perform in school and in our local community. If like the rush of being on stage, this elective is for you. In the past we have done charity events, mall performances, and sang to local residents. This year we even plan on doing collaboration with the primary students during the winter festival.




Since we are a bilingual school we want our students to be proficient in both Chinese in English, this elective is a great way to show off their skills. Journalism give the students a chance to dig deeper into any subject, and sharing their knowledge with their peers in the form of a news broadcast, or written in the school newsletter. This will give the students a chance to find out if they would like pursue a career in the information industry.



Yearbook club is a great tradition that Liaoyuan began in 2014. For the whole year the students, especially students from the SRC will record information about events and take pictures. These things will be complied into a big Yearbook at the end of the year so that the students can treasure their memories for many generations to come.




For the last 2 years the Utah State Dance Troupe came and put on performances, sharing their culture with us. After that we showed them some things about Chinese culture by putting on our own performances. In the end we all get to learn about each other and what it is like in our home towns. It is a great chance to learn about our friends from all over the world.




Through out the year we like to put on some events that highlight our schools talent. We have joined the International Sports League so we will compete against other international schools in Shanghai. Our students are not just talented insports, we also have good singers and performers so you will see events to reflect this.



We are not just about making ourselves better; we want to improve the world around us too. Annually we collaborate with a charity organization like an art auction. Selling products to donate money for charities and doing various types of volunteer work. Last year, one of the things that we did was, we went to the children’s hospital to read to the sick children.



Winter is an important time for many cultures around the world, so we would like to take the time this year to share the many cultures of Liaoyuan with all of the students. Student from Primary and High school will be asked to give performances in front of the school. After the performances from our students, local restaurants and businesses will be asked to stop by and sell their goods to support a local cause.

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