



全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00


來源: 上海燎原雙語學校      編輯:佚名


Lifelong learners create the future. Very importantly, because it’s the heart of IB and also the heart of what I believe. We encourage children to continue to learn afterwords.I am still a learner and you are still a learner.




As a principal, I spend a lot of time personally with the students, the teachers and the parents. If you do that from a grand level, you get respect from all parties.


燎原雙語學校致力于為學生提供優質的雙語教育,激發和培養他們的創造力、探究能力和對終生學習的渴望。我們遵循「聚焦全人教育,引領終身發展」的辦學宗旨。學校已經成為經 IBO (國際文憑組織)認證的 IB 世界學校,IB 的教育理念及培養目標已在全球范圍被廣泛推行并認可,燎原雙語學校目前提供小學階段的IB PYP項目。

Our aim is to provide a bilingual education that fosters creativity, inquiry and the thirst for lifelong learning. We follow the motto of lifelong learners create the future. LYBS is an authorized IB world school and offers the Primary Years Programme. The International Baccalaureate is internationally recognized as one of the leading frameworks in the world.

在燎原雙語學校,我們為學生提供的是融 IB PYP 探究學習于中國國家課程的融合課程,我們擁有教學經驗極為豐富的中國籍教師和外籍教師,您的孩子會在燎原接受高質量的國際化教育。

At LYBS we have adopted the PYP framework while keeping the strength of the Chinese National Curriculum. Your child will be given a quality education from both Chinese and Western experienced teachers.


Communication is key to the success of any school and we take pride in our open approach to communication. We believe that education involves all parties including parents and with this in mind, we offer training sessions for parents and information sessions so you can fully be included in your child's learning.


We look forward to welcoming you to Shanghai Liaoyuan Bilingual School.

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