全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00
來源: 上海燎原雙語學校 編輯:佚名
上海燎原雙語學校英文部成立于2011年,擁有多年成功的國際合作教育和運作優質國際課程的經驗,獲贊譽無數;系美國大學理事會授予的AP認證學校(AP學校代碼:694020),設有加拿大高中課程和美國高中課程兩種體系。以下是上海燎原雙語學校一周IB PYP課程回顧。
Grade 1
我們知道了不同職業有不同的職責,每個職業都是很辛苦的,我們也夢想著有一天,等我們長大后,我們變成了科學家、巨星、軍人... ...我們暢所欲言,想象著當我們成為這些人時的樣子以及我們喜歡這份職業的原因。希望我們早日可以實現自己的夢想。
This week we learned about the kinds of communities and the communities we live in. In the current community some occupation is a teacher, some occupation is a salesman and so on, we also become a salesman, we make and sell our own products and we become a teacher to teach children!
We know that different occupations have different responsibilities, each occupation is very hard, we also dream of one day, when we grow up, we become scientists, stars, soldiers... We speak up and imagine what it would be like to be these people and why we love this career. I hope we can realize our dreams as soon as possible.
上海燎原雙語學校一周IB PYP課程
Grade 2
This time to go to the Metro supermarket is great! Some children bought red dates for their families, some children bought cakes for their father and wished him “Happy Birthday!”other children shared the gifts with their classmates and teachers. It’s so loving!
In addition, we have also begun the introduction of new units, learning about the customs and cuisines of different places from their different birthdays, let us know that different places have different cultures and different traditions.
Grade 3
These two weeks we are in the fifth and sixth week of the UOI. First of all in week five we looked at the circulatory system. After the end of the exploration, I experienced the work of red blood cells in various parts of the body in the blood circulation system through games. We also made a restoration based on our own medical experience.
In week 6, we began our summary assessment. After six weeks of study, we learned more about the respiratory system, the digestive system, the circulatory system, the skeletal system and the nervous system. Look, we are according to our knowledge to do the speech!
Grade 4
Our students had a lecture about 'plant protection' in grade three. They used different forms, including stop-motion animation, poster and PPT. They showed their findings and their understanding of 'responsibility' in the past six weeks and got a good response.
Grade 5
We explore the way in which organisms and the environment depend on each other. Each group chooses different ecosystems for research, such as: Ocean, fresh water, grassland, forest, city, etc. Moreover, we examine the micro ecosystem on the spot, and discuss and summarize the interdependent relationship between organisms and environment in different ecosystems by recording and collecting data.
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