全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00
來源: 上海燎原雙語學校 編輯:佚名
3月5日,CTB 2020-2021全球創新研究大挑戰全國站展演線上選拔階段圓滿結束,來自上海燎原雙語學校高中國際課程班的兩個戰隊憑借勤奮努力脫穎而出,成功晉級到下一階段的CTB線上全國站展演。
2012年,受到哈佛傳統年度學術省會Harvard Thinks Big啟發,哈佛大學和清華大學共同發起China Thinks Big(CTB)創新研究項目大挑戰。
Inspired by Harvard's traditional annual academic provincial meeting Harvard Thinks Big, Harvard University and Tsinghua University jointly launched the China Thinks Big (CTB) Innovation Research Project Grand Challenge in 2012.
Over the past nine years, scholars and research institutions from dozens of world-renowned schools such as Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Tsinghua, Peking, and Fudan, as well as well-known companies at home and abroad, have joined the CTB designing more than 100 research topics for Chinese high school students, and searching for outstanding high school students with the most independent learning ability, unique way of thinking, and original practical solutions in the form of online challenges, on-site competitions, and North American roadshow competitions, another way for them to realize their dreams of going to the world's top universities.
The purpose of this academic activity is to help students identify social issues around them and together come up with a solution.
It involves a wide array of knowledge and skills. The activity aims at enhancing students’ integrative competence and college-readiness through interdisciplinary project-based learning, academic research and innovative implementation, while fostering a desire to use skills to solve problems of local, national or even global significance.
The “Wuxidixi” team was concerned about the difficulties of the blind community in getting around due to the lack of maintenance or occupation of many poorly designed blind walkways in public places.
The team members applied their classroom knowledge, including physics, mathematics, business and psychology, to the project, and their research included urban refinement, product design and social services.
The video giving a voice to the blind community gained thousands of views on social media, and many viewers have left messages to pay long-term attention to the travel difficulties of the blind community.
The " Jingxin Studio" team is concerned about the problems of drying, bathing and medical services in the old quarters of Shanghai, which is a cosmopolitan city, due to their design.
The "Jingxin Studio" team has already designed a mini program to solve some of the problems for the residents in Dadongmen.
雖然在普及性和推廣性方面還需進一步加強,但是項目的原創性與新穎性已經獲得了CTB組委會的高度認可。Although the project needs to be further strengthened in terms of popularity and promotion, the originality and novelty of the project has been highly recognized by the CTB organizing committee.
English Division teachers Amanda, Phoebe and Jennifer offered elective classes on project based learning which incorporates CTB modules.
They spent time with the teams to provide guidance and advice. In the past four months, more than 20 students learned to formulate a unique project based approach on their own interests.
They found a question, did research, created a solution, and implemented their solution. Besides, they had to learn twelve online modules to study the skills required for project-based learning.
Through project-based learning, Liaoyuan helps students gain insights into their future college major. In the elective classes, students can select from more than 100 research topics proposed by university professors, which are related to different kinds of subject areas.
Also, students learn the contents which help them acquire essential college skills, from zero to one such as team building, data science, academic writing, finance, time management, leadership, implementation, presentation, defining a research question, research, visual design, marketing, etc.
Project-based learning is one of the after-school electives offered at LYBS. We emphasize on experiential learning to inspire students with active minds through a challenging framework and support them to reflect about local and global issues from a variety of perspectives. They are encouraged to use what they learn across all subjects to consequently make a positive change in the community.
燎原選修課根據IB DP的CAS(創造、行動和服務)理念框架所指定,以明確的學習成果為依據的選修課,并能夠為學生接受挑戰和拓寬興趣提供豐富的機會。
LYBS electives are based on the creativity, activity and service framework (CAS) of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, with clearly defined learning outcomes, within which participants can find like minded individuals to cooperate while working on fresh challenges.
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