



全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00


來源: 光華美高      編輯:佚名




鄭同學 Ways of Traveling


To some of you may say traveling independently makes a point of relaxing out of comfort zones, especially the process of researching, experiencing and exploring. No doubt it’s a good choice for adults and experienced travelers. But for the sake of safety and efficiency of traveling, I highly recommend guide traveling.

陳同學 Euthanasia


Until now euthanasia is still debatable. I wanna share my personal opinion toward euthanasia. I agree that euthanasia should be legalized. But I am not saying that euthanasia should be imposed to everyone. It’s a matter of personal choice, but we should have the right to choose. It’s an action of ending one’s unbearable pain. It’s an action of respecting one’s life and will. It’s an action of pursuing human’s rights.

王同學 Penbeat

王同學的演講介紹了一項年輕新潮的藝術形式——Pen Beat。Pen Beat,俗稱“噴筆”,被稱為“手部極限運動”,是一項用筆和手的不同部位敲擊,來模仿架子鼓點的音樂形式,之前流行于極少數的黑人說唱者之間。后來,網絡傳播使許多人知道了Pen Beat,深尤其受到年輕人的喜愛。作為Pen Beat的忠實熱愛者,王子健還在學校創立了Pen Beat社團,帶領同學一起探索噴筆運動的精彩和魅力。

Pen and Beat, a noun and a verb. So from these two words we know what we will mainly use and how to use it. The pen will be used to beat instead of writing. Penbeat is a form of art, we can use pens to beat the desk to imitate the drumbeats of the drum set.What is the meaning of it for you? I’ve been thinking about this question for a long time. When I was young, my brother told me and taught me about Penbeat. In the past few years, a lot of my habits have changed, but only this one clings to me till now. I guess the neoteric and new way of expression of rhythm attracted me, I have also made friends through communication with them about different techniques. It is not only a habit, but also a timekiller when I’m alone. That’s an important reason why I want to learn how to play the jazz drum.

嚴同學 Special Effect Make-up

嚴同學的演講圍繞特效化妝展開。在演講中,她提到特效化妝被用于成千上萬的電影當中,它*含一些基本的步驟,同時也要求化妝師要有足夠的想象力。在眾多的特效化妝師中,Ve Neill是美國電影化妝界名副其實的大師級人物。自1977年進入電影化妝行業以來,她曾獲得三屆奧斯卡和兩屆艾美獎比較不錯化妝得主。一直以來,她設計的特效造型在熒幕上受到廣大影迷們的熱烈追捧,*括《加勒比海盜Ⅰ.Ⅱ.Ⅲ》、和《剪刀手愛德華》等。

Besides, it is quite difficult to build a perfect artwork. The process consists of several basic steps. First, you need to draft a character, and pick up a suitable model, like this. And then, it is the sculpting phase. The next step is to make a model. Finally, the application. Take it easy, just put on the colors on your model. These steps require a variety of artistic skills. But this is not the only requirement, you need to be imaginary to build the character.

The most contagious aspect of special effect make-up is that you could build your own character and your make-up is integrated with this character. You could build his soul through your specific make-up.


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