全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00
來源: 光華美高 編輯:佚名
胡同學 The Bandwagon Effect
**位出場的是胡同學,她講述了一個經典的心理學的效應——從眾效應。首先,她以網上對譚松韻的輿論評價引出話題,進而提出三種從眾的類型。**種是害怕被譴責,被迫從眾;第二種是那種輕易被說服而從眾的人 ;最后一種是盲目從眾。她指出,幾乎所有人都會在聽到別人的言論時改變觀點,哪怕是一些他們根本不贊同的東西,由此這個效應幾乎無處不在。最后,她進一步以眾人對蔡徐坤的評價為例進一步論證了從眾效應對人的影響。
The Bandwagon Effect in psychology means that individuals are easily influenced by others mentally and behaviorally. Almost everybody will change their perspectives sightly in heart when they hear others making claims, even if it is something that they don’t agree with.
What I wanna say is although this kind of behavior can be described in psychology , it can not be taken for granted !
鄭同學 Emma Watson
第二位出場的是鄭同學,她分享了一位著名的英國女演員——艾瑪·沃特森。艾瑪最早憑借《哈利波特》這部作品紅遍全球,在事業頂峰期,艾瑪以straight A的成績考入美國常春藤盟校布朗大學。令人欽佩的是,艾瑪很好地平衡了事業與學業,在名利雙收后,仍能保持初心,回歸學業。此外,艾瑪還是一名堅定的女權主義者,致力于為女性爭取合理權益。于我而言,喜歡艾瑪,因為她是一個頭腦清醒、有明確生活規劃的女演員;因為她知道自己真正想要的是什么,從不患得患失;因為她一直在自己選擇的道路上堅定不移地前行。
Emma Watson is a English actress. She has won worldwide popularity with Harry Potter. But at the peak of her career, she returned to her study. She has a good balance between her career and her studies. After gaining both reputation and wealth, she can still keep her original mind and return to her studies. She is also a strong feminist, dedicated to women's rights and interests. Emma Watson is a very clear-headed actress with a clear life plan. She knows what she really wants and never worries about losing it. She is firmly ahead of the path she has chosen.
曾同學 Flipped
Everyone is special. You never know true beauty until you meet the right person. Julie is kind-hearted, optimistic-minded, not scared of difficulties, she dares to pursue but not blindly follow.She liked Bryce for a long time.And she showed all her feelings, which embodied a person's generosity and courage.In real life, we may not be able to meet such a shining and exciting person like Julie, but we can change ourselves, polish ourselves and gradually become such a person.At this age, our elders are not afraid that we will fall in love in our teens, but that we may meet the wrong person, not the one who really loves us, that is not love, that is delay.Our life is very short, cherish those who love you, not only your lover, but also your family and friends.The most important thing I want to say is that as we grow up, we need to learn to love with dignity, confidence and purity, but remember to do the right things at the right time.
戴同學 Shopaholics
Shopping crazy refers to buying all the things that one may desire for without thinking. As we all know this kind of phenomenon is more often seen in women, but there are also men, in the shopping malls being crazy about purchasing and discounts. On macroscopic level, now the world economy is developing pretty fast. People's living standard is improving constantly, people have more power and choices to go shopping. On microcosmic level. According to the research, shopping will increase the production of dopamine. Dopamine is chemical substance which produced by human brain which can make people feel happy and jovial.
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