全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00
來源: 上海燎原雙語學校 編輯:佚名
上海燎原國際高中校長寄語:智慧 Wisdom
校長 荊洪光
I am asking all students to establish your desire and modesty to obtain wisdom. Why?
Only animals are not seeking for wisdom. If we, as human beings, are not working hard to gain wisdom, are we still different from animals?
Human beings are progressing and making our life better with better wisdom.
Therefore, I request all students to firmly set up your desire for wisdom.
Wisdom distinguishes you from lower level of life, improves your taste of life, makes you outstanding among all and lightens your life with more values.
With that desire as the foundation, if you could keep learning from students and teachers around you, if you could keep pondering and reflecting on all happenings in your life with modesty and respect, you would be on the way to wisdom already.
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