全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00
來源: 上海燎原雙語學校 編輯:佚名
上海燎原國際高中 11-2 孫亦飏
去年我加入了上海燎原國際高中11-2班這個大家庭,在學校里我喜歡看書、寫作、打籃球,平時也參與了學校不少相關活動,去年的creative writing比賽中我也幸運地獲了獎。這個學期我順利通過了雅思考試,獲得了6.5不錯的成績,這和平時在燎原的全英文環境分不開。我的理想是去多倫多大學讀醫科專業,前路漫漫,我會繼續努力。
During the passing winter holiday I had a wonderful trip to America with my family.
My mum had planned this trip for a long time. We had a big group of people, besides my parents and I , there are my uncle’s family: my uncle, my aunt and my cousin.
Since my parents travelled America a lot, they knew there well. My mum took the charge of the whole things herself.
Whole things, it means, 從簽證,訂機票、酒店,再到規劃行程,都是我的母上大人一手操辦。在我們的旅行團隊中,我媽媽是名副其實的leader,并把vice leader 的位置委派給我。”You can help with the daily translation for your uncle’s family.” 我舅舅一家不會English,于是在旅行前我媽媽要我照顧好他們。
Los Angeles:
We spent three days in Los Angeles. We travelled a lot of famous scenic spots. Among them there is the status Victory Kiss. Here is some photos.
【我看到很多游客,尤其是小情侶,在這個雕塑下學習這個姿勢么么噠。燒死這幫情侶狗 !】
Then we left Los Angeles and flew to Miami, on the Miami port we took the cruise, the large ship. Here is the photo as above.
And that’s the point! I really wanna say something about the cruise. We spent two weeks on the ship. And I found the memory as paradise-like life. It’s big with 14 stories. There were many restaurants, several swimming pools and a big and versatile gymnasium. The food were good and in plenty of choices. I could select pasta, ice-creams, different style of cuisines. Besides eating, there was much other fun. I could play ballgames and video games. What’s more, there are many lonely foreign old Mamas who were waiting someone to chat with them. To me, it was a good way to practice my oral English. Some of them even taught me several French!【雖然現在全忘了只記得Bonjour……】
我的爸爸媽媽在兩年前做過這個游輪,當時我在準備中考于是沒有同行。他們回來后告訴我船上真的好玩休閑極了。他們沒有虛言,我現在回憶起船上的圖書館,游泳池,健身房覺得滿滿的幸福。船上和學校一樣有formal day,那天每個人都需要穿著正裝。
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