全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00
來源: 上海燎原雙語學校 編輯:佚名
香港金融實訓班 學子風采
I am Jeven and my Chinese name is Ren Haolang. Economy and golf is my hobbies. In the future, I want to be an investor. So I'm dong a lot of work on this. My idol is Mark Zuckerburg, the founder of Facebook.
I am Max and my Chinese name is Qiao Yuxin. I like playing table-tennis. I like my country and my ambition is to be a doctor.
My name is Gavin and my Chinese name is Tian Haochen. I like thinking and playing table-tennis. I also like reading books about philosophy. I love science very much and I want to be a scientist.
寒假, 不僅僅是一個放松自己的機會,更是對自己的挑戰,是一個自我展示的良好機會,一個讓我們鍛煉與提升自身能力的機會。于是,我們踏上了香港金融實訓班的旅程。這次活動是由卓識國際攜手美國大都會人壽保險公司以及比利時富通集團兩大世界500強企業共同打造,聯合國內業內知名互聯網金融公司進行深圳與香港互聯網金融企業項目實訓。
For Gavin, Max and I, this winter holiday was not just a chance to relax, but alsoa good chance to show our talents and challenge ourselves, to practice ourskills and improve our abilities. We went to Shenzhen and Hong Kong to attendthe Hong Kong Finance Training Program. This program was organized by ZhuoshiGroup and several other Fortune Global 500 companies like Fortis and SCB.
The program let us know new business models, know the “territory” of mixture offinance and internet. Although we had some difficulties and problems during thestudy, we never gave up and worked harder and better. This creative program notonly lets us learn some financial knowledge but also cultivates our taste andfeel the business atmosphere in international companies. At the end of thisprogram we each got a certificate and a letter of recommendation.
We regard this experience as our very first step to business kingdom and probablean important beginning to set out on the road to future success. We want to thankour school for giving us a good platform and we try to make the best of our liveshere in Liaoyuan.
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