



全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00


來源: 上海燎原雙語學校      編輯:佚名


經過四輪緊張、激烈的比賽,上海燎原國際高中**屆“友誼杯”乒乓球比賽圓滿落下帷幕。10年級1班沈于卜(Lucas Shen )獲得冠軍;11年級1班黃成云(Mike Huang )獲得亞軍;9年級3班田浩辰(Geven Tian )獲得季軍;9年級3班喬昱鑫(Max Qiao)獲得第四名;11年級2班陸堃(Kelvin Lu)獲得第五名;11年級1班章正中(Frank Zhang)獲得第六名。對以上同學獲得的優異成績表示祝賀!祝賀他們再接再厲,不斷取得新的進步!


After four rounds, exciting competition, the Shanghai Liaoyuan International 的ivision‘s first "Friendship Cup" table tennis tournament successfully concluded. Our Club’s G11-11Lucas Shen won the championship; Grade 11-1 Mike Huang the second place; G9-3 class Geven Tian the third; G9-3Max Qiao the fourth. G11-2Kelvin Lu the fifth; G11-1 Frank Zhang won the sixth. Congratulations to the above students for their excellent results! Hope thatthey can continue to make the efforts to achieve new progress.


As for a whole day of learning, Table tennis is a very effective way to ease the tension and eliminate the whole day's fatigue and it can relax ourmood, refresh us to face our future life with full energy.



In the course of every day’s practice and every time’s games, the tablet ennis lovers can also learn from each other to continuously improve their level of table tennis, many students continue to grow from the novice to themaster of table tennis.


Those table tennis lovers from every grade and class gather together totrain, play, mutual exchange, learn from each other, increase the mutual understanding, enhance mutual friendship, and many students become friends because of table tennis.



In the process of the fierce, tortuous, exciting, and deeply focusedtable tennis competition, our competitors can train their sense of competition and exercise indomitable which will enhance their perseverance in being not afraid of difficulties, setbacks, and in increasing the courage to all kinds ofchallenge.


Next semester, in order to attract more students to join the tennisclub, and enhance students’ enthusiasm of competition and everyday training,our table tennis club plans to take the following measures: such as, give rewards to students according to the participation of the training; regularly display the World Cup table tennis tournament video, and expand the range oftable tennis competitors, etc.. Our expectation lying in the club size,uniqueness, and good results, finally making our table tennis club be a namecard of Shanghai Liaoyuan School International Division.

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