



全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00


來源: 上海燎原雙語學校      編輯:佚名

上海燎原國際高中2017年5月活動預告來了,一大波精彩活動正在襲來,你準備好了嗎?Sports Day 與Ms.Chief Student Campaign等你來挑戰!

Sports Day

11-4 Steven Yang

燎原“All-Star”比賽將于五月十五日開幕,不同于以往任何一場體育賽事,它更像是一場盛大的聚會。我們設置了多個籃球與足球比賽項目,并將NBA All-Star以及世界杯的元素融入其中,使得這個比賽更具有觀賞性和樂趣。我們也為每個項目準備了不同的獎杯,以此激勵同學們靠自己的能力去角逐冠軍。期間我們還將提供奶茶、披薩和爆米花,讓大家在觀賞比賽的同時享受美食。但最重要的是,我們希望聽到觀眾的歡呼聲和吶喊聲,這將讓參加比賽的同學產生一種的自豪感。


Here is our official announcement of the first Liaoyuan All-star Competition, run by our Student Leadership Program.

It will run on May 15th-17th, and this All-star Competition will be different to any other sports events that have happened in Liaoyuan before. We want to make the event more exciting so we decided to make it become a great party! There will be several activities for both basketball and soccer. We've also prepared different winning cups,so the players can fight for the championship of each activity. There will be food and music during the competition, which can help with the part atmosphere. But the most important thing is, we want the audiences to use loud voices to cheer for this event, which can make players more proud of themselves.

The reason why we are holding this event at Liaoyuan is because sport is one of the most important part of our lives. It makes our bodies strong and helps us to be much more organised in life.

上海燎原國際高中Sports Day 預告


We hope you can join this event!

重 要 信 息


? The event will be run on May 15th to 17th, 5:30p.m. to 6:30p.m.


? We have prepared official application forms in every classroom so students can choose the activity that they want to participate. We will invite some of the teachers who like sports to come and join us, too.


? We prepare some crystal cup for those people who win the game. We believe it will make the event more exciting and meaningful!

上海燎原國際高中Sports Day成員

Sports Day 小組成員:


Ms.Chief Student Campaign

10-2 Lizzie & 9-1 Helen, Julie


We have a campaign called Ms.Chief and we have already started it around our school. The purpose of this campaign is to raise awareness about the importance of girls’ participation in various activities, and also to give girls opportunities to discover and develop their potential. We have two events related to this campaign, which are both for girls.

上海燎原國際高中Ms.Chief Student Campaign


One event is the dodgeball competition. We are going to hold the competition from May 9th to 12th in the primary school gym, from 12:10 to 12:30. We will be glad if many girls attend this event because it not only strengthens their bodies, exercises their reflexes, but also builds team spirit. If they win the match, they will receive a certificate.


The other event is the personal goal sheet. We have already given out the sheets to all the girls in each homeroom. There are 7 goals that are already written on it, such as speaking in front of the whole class, participating in house events, etc. You can also write your own personal goals in the blank rows. When you achieve 10 goals you can find 10-3 Anna to get stickers. We really hope all of the girls join this event because this is a reminder for them to be attentive in class and it gives them motivation.

上海燎原國際高中Ms.Chief Student Campaign目標


To summarise, we have two events that are exciting and beneficial. They are wonderful chances for you to prove that you are capable in all aspects in life, and develop strength and determination in a range of areas.

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