



全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00


來源: 上海燎原雙語學校      編輯:佚名

上海燎原雙語學校第四屆慈善日馬上就要到了,燎原的師生們紛紛響應,用自己的實際行動傳遞著正能量。看!國際高中英文部的學生 Rebecca Yang正通過發售個人專輯的方式籌集善款,讓我們為她的愛心點贊。

At Liaoyuan, we believe in developing different talents in different students. We may not all be able to be number 1 academics, but we were all born to be excellent in some area, and each and every area is equally important. This is a belief that is reflected in Liaoyuan’s approach to student projects and extracurriculars.



We are very proud to announce that one of our talented students, Rebecca Yang is about to release her first music album, developed and produced by our special projects group, 4:59 Productions. All proceeds from sales will go to supporting our 8 school charity partners.


我們非常自豪的宣布,我們之中一位有才華的學生——Rebecca Yang,即將發行她的首張音樂專輯,由我們的特別項目組4:59 Production原創制作。所得款項將全部用于支持我們學校的8個慈善合作伙伴方。

Order your own autographed copy today, support charity, and enjoy the music. One day, this little girl could be famous, and you could say that you own her very first album! Each purchase includes CD, photo and lyrics book, and the link to download all songs to your digital music player.


上海燎原雙語學校報名、校園參觀及了解招生動態,請: ,或通過下方報名通道登記。

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