



全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00


來源: 上海燎原雙語學校      編輯:佚名


Educational Games Night at Liao Yuan


There was a games night that was held by the Women in Leadership elective during the first period of evening study on May 24th. This event connected with our Grow campaign. The students who are running this campaign are 10-4 Selina Katherine and Catherina, and 10-5 Valerie. This campaign’s purpose is to encourage others to care more about the environment and mental health. All pf the games were fun but also reflected on issues around the environment and mental health. The reason why we used game instead of giving our classmates a speech is that a game can make students more interested in this kind of information and join us in our activity.

5月24日**節晚自習,來自女性領導力選修課Grow團隊的學生舉行了一個“游戲晚會”的活動。這個組織的目的是鼓勵更多的人關注心理健康和環境問題。組織這場活動的人有10-4 班的Selina,Katherine和Catherina, 10-5 班的Valerie。這個活動不僅十分有趣,同時還讓參加活動的人了解如何保護環境和我們的心理健康。我們之所以用游戲的形式而不是用講座的形式,這是因為游戲相比講座能夠讓學生產生興趣。從而讓學生從玩樂中學到很多關于環境方面的知識。

Educational Games Night at Liao Yuan

This first game we played was Pictionary. We divided all of the student into four groups. A member of each team received a secret suggestion about the environment or mental health and drew a picture to show this suggestion. The other group members could speak and communicate in English and guess what the drawer drew. When they made a correct suggestion, they got one point. The score of the four groups was very close. Group 1 got the highest score and got into the final competition. Our group member drew a picture and then the members of Group 1 had a final battle. Congratulations to Anna from 10-3 who won the game at last.

**個活動是你畫我猜。我們把所有來參加活動的學生分成了4個組。在這個組中的學生將選出一個人來畫畫。 這個畫畫的學生將收到一個神秘的建議關于如何保護環境和心理健康。然后,他需要畫出這個建議。其他組員可以用英語討論畫畫的人畫了什么從而寫出這個建議,如果這個是正確的他們整個組將得到一分。所有組的得分都十分接近。最后,組一得到了最高的得分并進入最后一輪。在最后一輪中,我們所有的組員一起畫一幅畫,組一的組員有了一場激烈的競爭。最終,祝賀10-3 的Anna同學獲得了本次游戲的冠軍。


The time was very limited in the first period of evening study, so the second game and the third game happened at the same time. One was “Who is the Spy?”, the other was “Pass The Parcel.”


Who is the Spy? is also a very interesting game. We took out several of the same words and one different word which focused on the environment or mental health. However, the meanings of the words were very similar. All the people in the game needed to describe the word they got and guess who had a different word from others. The purpose of this game is want to help others learn more about the words which relate to mental health and the environment. Congratulations to Lizzie from 10-2 who won the game at last.

誰是臥底也是一個十分有趣的游戲。我們將給出一些相同的單詞和一個不同的單詞。當然這些單詞都和心理健康有關。但是,沒給我單詞的意思都十分相近。所有人西藥描述他們所拿到的單詞,然后猜測誰拿到了不同的單詞。這個游戲的目的在于想讓更多的人知道和了解更多關于環境和心理健康的單詞。 最后祝賀10-2 班的Lizzie獲得了這個活動的冠軍。

The third game was “Pass The Parcel”. It was a very exciting game. The players needed to pass a parcel when the music started. The player who got this parcel when the music stopped needed to rip one paper off the parcel and answer a question which related to mental health or the environment. If they couldn’t answer this question they would do some action as punishment. However, there were so many intelligent students. Everyone could answer these questions. The purpose for this game was to help people understand more about situations that might arise for different people. Congratulations to Ricky from IEP who won the game at last.


Thanks all the people who participated in the games night. I hope all of the people who joined this game could not only enjoy this games night, but also learned some ways to protect the environment and mental health, and will spread these ideas to others.


Dodgeball Competition at Liaoyuan

Anna(10-3) and Helen(9-1)

In the last few weeks, the Ms.Chief campaign held a successful dodgeball competiton. The first round games were held during lunch on May 11th (Calabash babies vs. Titania) and May 12th (Teletubbies vs. She-ra Princess of Power) and the final on May 17th (Titania vs. She-ra Princess of Power).

在上幾周,Ms.chief團隊舉行了一場緊張刺激的躲避球比賽。**輪預選賽在5月11日的中午(Calabash babies vs. Titania)和12日的中午進行(Teletubbies vs. She-ra Princess of Power),最后的決賽在5月17日的中午進行。

上海燎原國際高中校園活動:Games Night at Liao Yuan

We invited our high school art teacher Kimmi to be our referee. Girls who participated were from all grades, plus an extra team made up of female teachers. Girls were excited when the information was released. We mixed all girls who signed up to join teams.


上海燎原國際高中校園活動: Dodgeball Competition at Liaoyuan

Dodgeball is a popular game in western countries because of its mobility and easy rules. Students can improve their body strength, quick reflexes and teamwork skills. It’s really a good game for students to learn to play.


Everyone enjoyed the competition and they did a good job in each game. Players showed their great personalities and good team work skills. Everyone was sweating and laughing in the gym.


Thanks to everyone who participated in the games and thanks to Kimmi for refereeing. The game was successful and we hope that we can hold another girls’ game to improve girls’ interests in sports.


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