全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00
來源: 上海燎原雙語學校 編輯:佚名
On March 11th, many of our students attended Ladyfest, aShanghai festival that celebrates International Women’s Day. Our students released a self-published print magazine of their media project Damsel. They also ran audience-led workshops about women’s history and women in sport. Here are their reflectionson the day.
Anna 10-3
LastSunday, students at Liaoyuan Bilingual School from Media and Women in Leadership electives went to Ladyfest to hold special activities. Each group had different jobs. Before our group activity started, I helped Media by sitting behind our promotion table and handing out a Media project, our Damsel magazine, to share our project information and our goals connected to women. When we introduced that, the guests were all very surprised that we were high school students, who could do some amazing and significant work like this! Altogether, we gave out 100magazines It was marvellous.
During our activity, the polarised debate, it was very exciting that many participating people had different opinions and made it become a passionate debate. I also want to thank the teachers who came to support our activities on that day. I learned a lot from this activity and I think we can do better next time.
Catherina 10-4
3月11日,我參加了一個叫LadyFest的活動。這個活動對我很有幫助,它鍛煉了我的交際能力。令人驚喜的是,我們帶去的100份Damsel雜志都發掉了呢。我們跟許多人交談,向他們介紹Damsel。我還參與主持了一個討論會叫Herstory Trivia,在發言時我有些緊張。結束后,一個中國女生找到我問了些問題,比如“你今年多大?”“你是什么學校來的?”,還說非常喜歡我們的活動。這讓我變得自信了。我覺得這個活動非常好,讓我受益匪淺。希望明年還能參加,場地可以更大一點。
On March 11th, I went to an event called LadyFest. This event helped me a lot; it allowed me to practise my speaking skills. Surprisingly, we gave all 100 Damsel magazines to others. As we gave them the magazines, we talked to lots of people and introduced Damsel. I was also doing a workshop called Herstory Trivia. I was very nervous when I was speaking. After I spoke, a Chinese lady came and asked me some questions like ‘How old are you?’ and ‘Where do you come from?’ She also said our workshop was very cool and she liked it very much. I felt very confident. I think this event was very good and beneficial for me. I hope I will attend LadyFest next year and the place will be much bigger.
Helen 9-1
在我看來,像參加Ladyfest這種活動是一次非常寶貴的經歷,它的特別還在于這是我**次主持召開成人間的研討會。我需要把相關信息提前告知與會者,和外國人交流讓我有點緊張。雖然有個別人拒絕了我,但大多數人還是很友好的而且也很愿意來參加我們的活動。活動的進行和我預想的有些不同,但成果還是不錯的。感謝Kimmi, Alexis, Virginia和Oli老師支持我們的活動并參加了辯論,也很感謝Ruby和Annabelle老師的支持與鼓勵。
In my perspective, it was an excellent experience to attend an event like Ladyfest. It was a special event for me as well because it was the first time that I had run a workshop for adults. Before the workshop began, I needed to ask others to attend it. I was nervous to talk to foreign strangers. A few refused to talk to me, but I was fortunate in that most of them were verykind and they were glad to come. The debate was not exactly what I expected it to be. However, it had a good result: we gained a large audience and they likedthe debate a lot. I want to say thank you to our teachers Kimmi,Alexis,Virgina and Oli.They supported us by joining our workshop. Iwould like to also express my appreciation for my elective teachers Annabelle and Ruby.Thank youfor your support and encouragement.
Julie 9-1
Ladyfest was really good. There were lots of interesting things. There were a lot of people who come from many different countries. It was a good chance to talkwith foreigners outside of school. I could improve my English speaking skills.When we had our workshop, I could overcome my fear of speaking in front ofpeople. The only bad thing was that the location was a little bit difficult to find. It was a very full day so I felt tired. If I did this activity again I would want to look around more, because there were many interesting activities. It would be fun.
Katherine 10-4
我們還在Ladyfest 中舉行了一個叫做Herstory trivia的小活動,叫做Herstory的原因是我們是講“她”的歷史而不是“他”的歷史。 Selina, Catherina, Valerie和我一起主持了這次活動,很多人都參加了,我認為它讓人們更多的了解了婦女歷史。通過這次活動我也學到很多,收獲了很多經驗。首先,當我們在設置問題的時候,自己也更了解婦女歷史了。其次,這次活動大大提高了我的英語演講能力,因為我們需要在眾多陌生人面前進行提問。
OnSaturday a group of Liaoyuan students went to Ladyfest, which is a Shanghai festival that celebrates International Women’s Day and has thousands of guests.We had prepared for the festival for a long time, in Media and Women inLeadership electives.
I would like to introduce Damsel, the website focused on girls that we have been doing for one semester. On Saturday, we introduced Damsel to all of the people who came to Ladyfest. We gave them special print magazines of Damsel. We suggested guests scan our QR code and subscribe to our website. We gave out 100 copies of Damsel on that day, and we should have made more copies! I hope there will be more than 100 people who read this magazine and learn more about Damsel.
We also ran an activity at Ladyfest---Herstory Trivia. The reason why it is herstory because this is about “her” story instead of “his” story. Selina, Catherina,Valerie and I ran this activity and lots of people joined. I think they knewmore about women’s history after this activity. From this activity, we learn a lot of things about women and gained lots of experience. Firstly, we learn lots about women in history when we were making these questions. What’s more, this event improved my speaking skills especially in English, because we asked these questions in front of lots of strangers.
In short, although we felt very tired after this event, I think it was a very meaningful activity.
Lizzie 10-2
我是Lizzie,我在上海Ladyfest女士節度過了美好的一天。我們把所有Damsel雜志都送出給了來自世界各地的參加者。和外國人交流很有趣,能讓他們了解我們的網站,他們對我們在性別問題上的想法也很感興趣。除此之外,我們還舉行了一場以觀眾為中心的辯論,從中了解到男性女性對婦女運動這個話題的不同觀點。非常感謝Annabelle, Kimmi, Alexi, Ollie和Virginia老師前來支持我們的活動,希望明年能更成功。
I'mLizzie, and I had an amazing day at Ladyfest Shanghai. We sent out all of the Damsel zines to people from different parts of the world. It was fun to communicate with foreigners and teach them about our website, and they were also interested in our thoughts on gender issues. We also held an audience-led debate and we learnt about males' and females' opinions on the topic Women in Sports. Our teachers Annabelle, Kimmi,Alexis, Virginia and Oli came and supported our event. We appreciate their help and I expect we will have a more successful result next year.
Valerie 10-5
On11 March 2017, a festival to celebrate all things related to Women’s Empowerment was organised in Shanghai. I felt very happy to join this annual event and it expanded my horizon. On that day, I met lots of foreign people and shared more opinions with others. I also introduced our school’s website Damsel and learnt many different ideas from others and learned about their jobs. I was a member of the workshop which held a trivia event about the history of women. Before the trivia began, we explained this event and tried to attract more audience members to join us. Although some people thought it was a difficult quiz, there were many people interested in it. That was my first time running a workshop and I gained lots of experience from it. I hope next time, I can do it better.
Selina 10-4
上周我們去參加了Ladyfest。這個活動以女性為主題,我和同學們一起負責了兩個版塊。**個版塊是有獎問答,我們準備了一些有關女性文學、女性領導力、女性權利的問題。活動前我們還做了ppt和**表。活動開始由我先進行介紹。取名為herstory 是因為我們希望更多的人能關注到婦女歷史而不是把目光停留在男性故事上。另外一個活動是以運動為話題的辯論,目前很少有女生愿意和男生一起活動,因為她們時常感到尷尬。一些我們學校的老師也參與進來,辯論進行得十分激烈,所有人都暢所欲言。最后我想說這次的活動非常有意義,我很樂在其中。
Last week we went to Ladyfest. It's an activity focused on women. We ran two different activities.The first one was trivia, and it had a prize. We wrote a lot of questions that focused on women in Arts, women in STEM, women in leadership, and women’s rights.We prepared the PowerPoint and worksheet together before this happened. I also did the introduction at the beginning of the Herstory trivia. We called it Herstory because we want more people to care about the history of girls, not just the history that focuses on boys. Another part of our event was a debate. It focused on sports, because nowadays few girls want to join in sports activities with the boys, because they think it's very strange and uncomfortable. Some of our school teachers also joined this debate too. The debate went very well, as peopleall enjoyed it and gave their own opinion on the topics. In conclusion, I think Ladyfest was a meaningful activity for me and I really enjoyed it!
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