



全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00


來源: 上海燎原雙語學校      編輯:佚名


Life-giving spring breeze and rain that can't wait to come to our side, but you never know what happens next. Miss spring, the lively, cheerful and generous girl, doesn't have chance to warm people. Mr. Cold, the ruthless, just drives her away.All of our activities in this semester are just like the weather, every project is not only surprising but also brings a great deal of expectation.


2017年3月21日晚,我們在二樓報告廳舉辦了ESL 英語知識競賽,每一個學院都積極參與,派出了三名學生參賽。首先,由老師說明比賽規則和得分點。

On March 21st evening, The ESL department in our school held an English Contest, Every house participated in this activity energetically. In this activity each house has three contestants. At first, teacher told us all of the rules and opportunities which we can get points.



Contest formally began, When the first question was shown on the PPT, we are all so surprised that our jaws dropped on the floor. Many questions are related to our daily life. Such as the school address, Which room is some teacher’s office? The contest atmosphere is very fiery. Almost all the students cheers for the contestants and tried to give their house member the correct answer in a secret way, even someone tried to use their fingers to show the answer. Obviously, we were all intoxicated with the match.


這次活動帶給學生很多益處,不僅讓他們放松了身心,也學到了很多課外知識,讓他們認識到僅僅吸收書本上的知識是不夠的, 還需要在生活中歷練學習。

This activity provided students with a host of benefits. They get relaxed and learned extra-curricular knowledge. Meanwhile, They realized that they need to learn not only from the textbook but also from the life experience.

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