



全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00


來源: 上海燎原雙語學校      編輯:佚名




In this summer holiday, we went to the Columbia International College to have our English study. We went through different English Level and had ESL study to improve our English skills.

I was in the English 3U, it was an academic English course not as ESL, so our learning tasks became harder. Just on the first day of our class, we got 2 paragraphs for our homework, and the next day we were given a test. A surprise or a “surprise”? The work was really hard but no one wanted to give it up and failed in this quiz. We got a Wechat group to support each other, and every day we checked the homework by ourselves, then we had a review in the morning. Our teacher Ms. Hunter is a rigorous person, very little praise was given to us but really took her responsibility. All the outline of our essay would go through to her and she would give us some suggestions.

From this, not finished summer camp I’ve already learned a lot and realized the life in Canada will be hard and not easy. Everyone should know that. There're so many students from other countries, and they will become our competitors when we go back to Canada before long, so improvement is really important. I hope something interesting will happen in the rest 1 week and give me an unforgettable memory.



我在3U班,這是一門不同于ESL的英語學術課程,因此作業和學習任務都會存在一定難度。**天上課,我們的回家作業就是寫兩篇文章,還被告知第二天要考試。好大一個驚喜!雖然有些不適應,但大家都沒放棄。我們還建了一個群用來相互督促,每天晚上自覺檢查作業,早上提前進班復習。我們的老師Ms. Hunter是一個嚴謹的人,她很少夸獎學生但卻非常負責。我們所有的文章在完成前,初稿都會交給她審核并給予指導意見。


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