



全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00


來源: 上海燎原雙語學校      編輯:佚名

Heart 2 Heart是一個兒童慈善機構,專門為那些有心臟病的提供募捐。上海燎原雙語學校一年級的學生經過上兩周的募捐,終于送出了我們的愛心。學生們在此期間忙著整理舊玩具,尋找能捐贈的東西,期望生病的孩子能微笑起來。我們帶來募捐的有玩具、書籍、娃娃和一些顏料。這次募捐種類數量空前豐富,希望生病的孩子也能喜歡這些玩具。在這個過程中,學生們**了回饋社會,因為幫助他人是非常重要的,他們也將在下周收到獎勵證書。

After two weeks of collecting donations for Heart 2 Heart, a charity for children who have a heart condition, grade 1 Bilingual students finally sent off their donations. We were very busy going through our old toys to find things we could donate to make the sick children smile. We brought in things such as toys, books, stuffed animals and some colouring in supplies. The donations were overwhelming. We hope that the sick children love our toys as much as we did. By being a part of this process, the students learnt about giving back to the community as helping others is very important. Students will receive a Certificate of Appreciation from the Heart 2 Heart team next week.


非常感謝一年級的家長們對活動的支持!此外,我們還要感謝Nicola、Maria和Karen在Heart 2 Heart活動中的溝通協調,以及學校司機幫我們把物資運到上海遠大醫院。對學生來說,這真的是一次很寶貴的經歷。

A BIG thank goes out to the parents of grade 1 Bilingual for their support. We would also like to thank Nicola, Maria and Karen at Heart 2 Heart for helping with communication and the school driver for helping us deliver all our donations to the Yodak Hospital. A great experience for the students.


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