



全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00


來源: 上海燎原雙語學校      編輯:佚名

上海燎原國際高中課程怎么樣?我們一起去聽聽G9-1 Kane同學是怎么回答的:真英語+加速度:走進燎原ESL課程。


This September, I attended Liaoyuan Bilingual School for professional international education, starting to study Canadian courses. It is obvious that life in Liaoyuan is wonderful and various, not only take all the classes in English, but have a try on subjects that do not exist in traditional school. Among all of them, ESL is this subject which is the best.

ESL課程全稱“English as Second Language”,是加拿大教育局針對英語非母語,且將英語作為第二語言的學生開設的專業英文課程,是申請大學的必修課。

ESL also known as English as the second language-is the professional language subject which is created by Canadian Education Department for students who don’t speak English as the first language and regard English as the second language.


ESL in Liaoyuan relies on principles which contain real English and fluent spoken English. The subject refers to standard in IELTS and TOFEL, which is not the same as other bilingual school.


In my opinion, ESL which helps us improve our English skill and speak fluently is just like a steppingstone which is the foundation for further study. Thus, it is one of the most important subjects which make us benefit a lot.



Every day in the morning, with the first rays of sunlight, we welcome the ESL class in our tidy classroom. The teacher Sally steps into the classroom, smiling in a particular way, handing out the worksheets to us. I think the level of our ESL class is not too difficult, and it always makes the students active instead of sleeping in class.

首先語法的復習是必不可少的,為了鞏固之前的知識,讓我們的印象更加深刻。接著我們會進入新課部分,分析新單元的單詞,課文,教授語法。馬上就進入我們最期待的環節了—課堂話題討論。Sally 老師會把我們分成幾個小組,進行搶答或者辯論等會話的活動,既能調動起我們的積極性,也可以讓我們解開拘束開口鍛煉口語。作為一名國際學生,練習聽力也是必不可少的,難度適中的聽力讓我們耳朵對于辨別英語的能力有了不錯的提升。

Firstly we will review the grammar notes we have learnt before in order to strengthen our memories. Then we'll go into the new section, analyze and summarize the vocabulary words, the text and the grammar of the new unit. And then the class topic discussion is the most interesting part in among all of the students. Sally puts us into several groups and gives us a topic for debate. That is useful not only for it can make the class active, but also for practicing our spoken English. As an international student, it is necessary for us to have listening exercise which helps us make our hearing more sensitive in English.


To sum up, ESL class improves my English skills in every part and benefits me a lot.

ESL課程的**的特點就是課堂活動很多,而認真盡職的Sally老師把這一點作為重點,精心想出了Kahoot和Word guessing等我們最喜歡的活動。

The biggest trait of ESL is the various activities. Sally who is hardworking and responsible considers it is important so she creates activities such as Kahoot and word guessing which are so vivid that every student are eager to attend those activities.


Kahoot is an app which provides us a website for doing exercising online on our cell phones. The teacher will start a competition and shows the pin code on the board, and students can easily start and get their scores. I think Kahoot is helpful for students since it strengthens the knowledge we have just learnt in class and can put everyone together for ranking and fun.

Word guessing 也是一個令人期待的活動,Sally老師在黑板上寫出課堂學過的單詞,讓一位學生背對黑板,根據其他同學的英語提示猜出單詞。這個活動幫助我們鞏固了新單詞,過程中又不乏笑聲,是一個很有意義的活動。

Another activity with expectations is word guessing game that the teacher writes a word on the board and the student who faces his classmates should predict the word with description given by others. It’s fun not only for laughter during the activity but as it enhances our memory in new vocabularies.


In a word, activities help improve the ESL class into a new level.


徒有一個好的課程體系是沒有多大作用的,授課教師才是一門好課的關鍵。我們的老師Sally認真負責,關愛學生,年輕卻不乏經驗,將ESL課發揮得淋漓盡致。Sally老師授課認真,對知識的講解非常到位,也想出了不少方法提升課堂質量,我們的volunteer card(小卡片)就是一個很好的例子。

It is said that whether a system is successful isn’t based on how prepared it was, but is determined by who executes it. Our teacher Sally is such a wonderful teacher that everyone likes her. She is young but not lack of experience. She is the key for why ESL class is successful. She tries her best on improving the quality of participation, getting good ideas about methods such as the volunteer cards.


She spent lots of time focusing on making the pretty cards which are popular among the students. When the student answers the question or finish an activity, the cards are given to them as the prize. That helps the teacher give us participation scores, and draws our attention as well. She also gives us a folder for putting ESL stuff inside, which solves the problem of missing. Thus, Sally is the key for such high-leveled ESL class.


It has been half a year since I became a Liaoyuan student, and also half a year in ESL class. Of course I have large improvements in many parts. My spoken English was not very fluent at the beginning of this semester, and I was a little shy in activities. Now I am more confident and there is nearly no doubt for me to communicate with foreigner. I believe, with tremendous efforts, I will bloom and show my excellence.

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