



全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00


來源: 上海燎原雙語學校      編輯:佚名

我是上海燎原國際高中G10-2班學生鄭安琪,今天我的英語演講為:"Emma Watson"談性別平等。

I don’t think this is an easy topic to talk about, but still, I chose it, because I'm really concerned about it, and I want to let more people join in helping this phenomenon.


"Emma Watson"談性別平等

Okay, here's something evident to me, it's not a nice thing but it happens to everybody. We are treated unfairly due to the stereotypes on our gender. It is easier to understand if I list some examples in real life. I myself experienced gender inequality. When I was in my primary school, I have always taken an active part in lots of activities, I want to seize every opportunity I could get, and now, I do the same things. A fact is that from then to today, a lot of people say I'm too aggressive as a girl. They subconsciously put labels on me, saying I may have bad temper and I'm not quiet enough.



That is a very strange way of thinking, why is my initiative, anyway, related to my gender? And people give these comments all the time. Yep, they want me to be more silent and submissive, but I'm not gonna compromise. I've worked with many boys, and some of them were always trying to cover my voice with theirs. They were trying to make me talk less. I have valuable opinions just as the way they do, and I consider their behavior very disrespectful.


上海燎原國際高中學生英文演講:"Emma Watson"談性別平等

In addition, I have a male friend who is very sensitive, and he's interested in knitting stuff, and he likes to write poems. He is a very nice and passionate person. However, since he doesn't participate much in sports, people say he has lost his manhood. Why? Why is his personal interests and characteristics related to his gender? He is a boy, but that doesn't mean he has to like sports and exercise for muscles. It's good that he likes Literature and Arts. However, people make fun of him all the time. Why are males not allowed to show their sensitive side and express emotions freely? Do they have to be all masculine and dominant? No, those are all stereotypes which make us feel stressed.


Gender EqualityEssentially, gender inequality's development is based on people's stereotypes, they are something that could and should be changed. Therefore, we should be aware of the gender inequality issues around us, be brave to speak aloud and strive for making changes happen.


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