全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00
來源: 上海燎原雙語學校 編輯:佚名
大家好,我是來自TV Production Elective(視頻制作選修課)的Vera JIN,繼去年反響不錯的視頻之后,今年我們給燎原的小伙伴們帶來了更新穎的節目:燎原秀(第1集)。這次我們的嘉賓是來自燎原的男神女神Alexi,Coach John和Linda老師!節目*含了三大板塊:
在大家期待之際讓我先來為你們介紹一下我們TPC的中流砥柱——6人小分隊吧,他們是G10 的Valerie& Kevin,G11的Ella, Price&Vera,還有我們的指導老師Zoe Zhu。
Hello! I’m Kevin from G10-1. I am very happy that I can join in TV production elective this year and work with these interesting guys. I enjoy my time in there very much.
輔助攝影(Assisting camera)
My name is Valerie, from 10-5. This year, I chose TV Production as one of my elective . I think it's a very interesting elective. In my free time, I love watching movies, and I love photography as well. That's a good way for me to expand my views about the world. I'm very glad to be a cameraman in this elective. Actually, that's not a easy job because this is my first time to shoot a talk show. We work very hard on it. After class, we have to use more time and energy to complete our work. But l still feel very excited of it!
我是Valerie,來自10-5。本學期,我選擇了電視節目制作作為我的選修課,這是一門非常有趣的課程。在課余生活中,我喜歡一些看電影和攝影。對我而言,這是一個非常好的開闊視野的方式。同時,非常榮幸能作為視屏制作組選修課的Assisting Camera。事實上,這是我**次拍攝脫口秀,這并不是一個簡單的**。每個成員都十分認真的**,在課下,我們花費了很多時間和精力去完成**,但我依然對這個**報以很大的熱情。
My name is Ella from G11-3. I am a new member in TPC, but this is not the first time I touch this area. Last year,we all watched their amazing videos which makes me feel very interested in it and I start to pay attention in this cub. So this year, I join in TPC without thinking. My job is to design logo, interview ,and advertise our project to all the students. Although there are only 6 people in TPC, I harvest a lot in this family.
Hi everyone I am Price from G11-3. I am the camera man and also the editor in TPC .My work is to shoot the videos and edit it after shooting also i need to add the effect we want in the video. I try my best to finish the work and make it interesting at the same time.
Hi, everyone. My name is Vera JIN from 11-3. I’ve already been in TPC for one and a half year. This time l become the director of this group, which makes me feel very stressed and excited as well. Our group members are very supportive and helpful. Each of them has good talents no matter in which area. So let’s look forward to our first achievement!
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