



全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00

走進燎原雙語小學動畫俱樂部 天馬行空愛探索

來源: 上海燎原雙語學校      編輯:佚名


The animation club is continuing this semester with a new group ofstudents. All of whom are keen to see how we can make everyday objectscome to life.



The process we are using is called stop-motion animation. Thisprocess involves taking one picture of the subject, and then moving the subjecta little before taking another picture. We use a special programme which allowsus to create movies from all of the pictures.



In this semester students are just beginning to learn the processand patience required! We have explored making animation with our bodies, Markson the white board and Lego. We will soon be experimenting with differentmediums using, paint, clay and anything we can find to create interesting andfun videos. Students will bring in their own toys and items and we will come upwith ways to animate them.



Animation club allows the students to express creativity and havefun, while also teaching them the importance of patience. The process of makinga small 10 second clip can take 20 minutes. The students are learning theimportance of delayed gratification and they really enjoy when the movie isfinally finished and ready to watch!

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