全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00
來源: 上海燎原雙語學校 編輯:佚名
2017年3月8日的上海燎原國際高中文學課上,David Harris——一位**和生活在中國的電影人,受邀為我們做了一次特別的演講。本學期我們的學生正在進行故事和電影研究,了解媒體和如何講故事。以下是幾位學生的活動心得。
On March 8th, Literature classes had a special guest lecture from David Harris, a filmmaker who works and lives in China. Our students are studying stories and film together this term, and are enjoying learn about media and telling stories. Here are some students' reflections on their experience.
Shawn 11-1
On March the eighth, a special guest came to our school and gave us an exciting lecture. This was David, a man who is making film and comes from New Zealand. The title of his speech is “My life in Film and T.V. –a journey with David Harris”. It was a fantastic speech, and it helped us to learn more about the knowledge used in the field of film, which we are learning about in class. He covered many topics but the most important one was that telling us: “Don't be afraid of challenging yourself, and never give up on what you are working on if you liked it at the beginning.” This message left a deep impression in my mind, throughout the whole speech.
“Build your energy every moment,” David said, which has inspired me to put all of my energy into doing everything I care about. This can push me to keep going, and follow through every time I commit to doing something, in school now and in the future.
Lisa 11-1
3月8日,燎原9~11年級全體學生參加了一門特別的課程。講師David Harris是一位專業的電影制作人,在中國已經住了15多年,曾參與拍攝Masterchef in Shanghai。
There was a precious extra class at Liao Yuan in 8th March, for all Grade 9, 10 and 11 students. The instructor was an expert film maker who has lived in China for more than 15 years. He is David Harris, who has filmed Masterchef in Shanghai.
What are the basics of film ? We always have this kind of questions when we are planning to direct or shoot a film. We gained the answer from David today. The foundation is the STORY. This means that when we are looking make a film, the ideas and narrative of the whole film is the most important thing. We have to imagine the story in our mind.
In addition, we should focus on the methods to make the story into a film. This incorporates photography, theatre, music and costume. Beyond that, the film should have a lot of energy for the audience to see. Colour/editing and money can both be important for a film to build energy and achieve success.
It is quite difficult for anyone to make a film, and even a professional person will make a lot of mistakes. However, the challenge is not making it or shooting it, but following through with the whole process. David: "Finish what you start."
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