



全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00


來源: 上海燎原雙語學校      編輯:佚名

上海燎原雙語學校英文部成立于2011年,一直以來踐行「聚焦全人教育 引領終身發展」的教育理念,擁有多年成功的國際合作教育和運作優質國際課程的經驗,獲贊譽無數;系美國大學理事會授予的AP認證學校(AP學校代碼:694020),設有加拿大高中課程和美國高中課程兩種體系。



我校運作的加拿大安大略省高中項目,是與加拿大安省知名高中哥倫比亞國際學院(Columbia International College, 以下簡稱CIC)合作的國際課程項目,提供9-12年級安省同步課程(其中,12年級在加拿大CIC完成),旨在為學生提供平穩的留學過渡,幫助學生將來從容面對學習、語言、生活方面的各種留學挑戰。

同樣與我校合作的美國百年名校伍德斯托克學校(The Woodstock Academy,以下簡稱WA)在美國享譽盛名,與其共同運作的上海燎原伍德斯托克學校美國高中項目,亦采用2+1教學模式(其中,12年級在美國WA完成),*含美國高中課程和美國大學學分先修課程(AP課程),為學生留學知名美國大學提供安全有效路徑。


Shanghai Liaoyuan Private Bilingual High School is made of Chinese Domestic High Division and English Division. Established in 2011, our English Division has been adhering to education concept of focusing on holistic education and guiding lifelong development. Our school is an official AP school (school code: 694020) authorized by the US College Board. It has offered two choices of international curriculum: Canadian high school curriculum and US high school curriculum.

Our Canadian high school program, based on our partnership with Columbia International College located in Canada, makes offerings of Synchronized Ontario high school curriculum in Liaoyuan (Students complete G12 at CIC in Canada). It serves as a good pathway for students to prepare for challenges as a result of their studying abroad.

Shanghai Liaoyuan Woodstock US high school program is born out of our partnership with The Woodstock Academy, which has a long and successful history as a College Prepatory School in America. It is of 2+1 program (G12 is completed at WA in US) involving the US high school curriculum and the Advanced Placement Courses (AP). The program is aimed at offering an effective route for students to apply for top American universities.

Liaoyuan prepares students for overseas study through a number of ways. To assist students in that transition from a local to Western educational approach, Liaoyuan uses an English-only environment and an experiential pedagogical methodology designed to enhance students’ ability to study and think independently. This involves surrounding the core academics with an extensive system of electives, extracurricular activities, tutoring support, overseas travel, and research opportunities, college counseling, intensive training in study skills, and self-reflection.

Shanghai Liaoyuan Private Bilingual High School offers an array of channels in terms of college counseling for graduates of our programs. Students may apply for different universities and colleges in the US, UK, Canada, Australia and so on. This system results in a high level of accomplishment; the majority of students that graduate from Liaoyuan go on to attend a university that is top 25 worldwide.

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