



全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00


來源: 上海燎原雙語學校      編輯:佚名


On April 11th , 2019, Waterloo Mathematics Contest was successfully held by the English Department of Shanghai LiaoyuanPrivate Bilingual High School.



此次滑鐵盧數學競賽是分年級競賽,分別是9年級的 Fryer競賽,10年級的Galois競賽,以及11年級的Hypatia競賽。下面讓我們來看看各年級參賽者的考試心得分享吧!

Students in Grade 9,10 and 11 finished the Fryer paper, Galois paper and Hypathia paper respectively. Some of the participants are happy to share their experience in attending the contest.



During the exam, along with the silent environment around me, I took up the pen with a nervous and excited mood and started to solve the questions. Although there were many problems in the exam, I tried to read the questions calmly and think, and finally got the answer on the confused topic. The Waterloo competition is a great opportunity for me to understand the difficulty of foreign competition topics,to try many interesting mathematics problems that I have not met before, and to gain more experience for my future mathematics learning.





This is my second time to participate in the Waterloo Competition. I was new to Liaoyuan When I tried my first Waterloo Mathematics Contest. I did not do very well on that one because of my poor English. But after a few months of vocabulary accumulation and contest preparation, I think I did much better in the second one. We had a very silent and serious examination environment which also helped me better concentrate on the exam.





To prepare for the Waterloo Mathematics Contestin April, teacher gave us a set of past contest for practice. I worked throughthe past contest and asked teacher for help with the questions that I did notunderstand after school. I also collected all the questions I did wrong on mynotebook. Teachers encourage us to participate because this achievement has become one ofthe important references for college application and scholarship.Although I did not do very well for the first time, failure is the mother ofsuccess. I will keep trying.


Since 2016, our school has become one of the testsites for the Waterloo Mathematics Contests in Canada. Over the years, we haveachieved fruitful results. A total of 30 students have been awarded theCertificate of Distinction. Finally, wewish the students excellent results in this competition!

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