



全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00


來源: 上海燎原雙語學校      編輯:佚名


Language is a tool for communication and a way of exploring the world. Language learning is not limited to specific languages, but is based on the logic of learning a language, enriching language skills by reaching out to the other areas and thus better understanding global culture. The language & literature team at LYBS High School – English Division comes from the University of Pennsylvania, Fudan University, the University of Nottingham, Shanghai International Studies University, Northeastern University, and other outstanding universities with exten-sive teaching experience.




Students at LYBS High School – English Division develop their language skills through ESL and language & litera-ture subjects. Through the combined efforts of Chinese and foreign teachers, students are able to improve their academic performance and abilities through immersion in the language environment.


As English teacher Du Yu says, "English is not only a language skill for students, but also provides a mindset of thinking, another key for students to perceive the world."

多樣化語言課程,打破未來升學壁壘 Diversified language programs

語言學習中,作為全球通用的英語尤為重要。在燎原高中,語言課程主要設有:ESL、英語文學(English Literature)和IB DP課程框架下的語言課程。多元的語言課程幫助高中階段的學生,在未來升學中,不論美國、英國或加拿大等何種途徑的求學,均能游刃有余。

English learning is particularly important as is a global language. At LYBS High School – English Division, language subjects are offered in English as Second Language (ESL), English Literature (ELL) and the IB DP Language A and Language B framework. The diverse language programs help students at the high school level to be prepared for future study in the U.S., U.K. or Canada, regardless of the pathway.

在LYBS,大部分課程以全英語授課。其中,ESL課程既注重聽說讀寫能力的培養,也重視詞匯語法的積累,為其他學科的學習打好基礎。相較于ESL課程,英語文學(English Literature)課程則側重于英語中的小說、詩歌等的閱讀和文本分析,對學生的要求也相應更高。而在LYBS IB DP項目課程框架中,語言學習則分為語言A(母語)和語言B(第二語言)兩大類。

At LYBS, most subjects are taught in English. The ESL program focuses on the development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, as well as vocabulary and grammar to build a foundation for other subjects. In contrast to the ESL courses, the English Literature courses focus on reading and textual analysis of novels and poems in English, and require a higher level of student mastery. In the LYBS High School – English Division IB DP program framework, language learning is divided into two categories: Language A (native language) and Language B (second language).

陳田豐 Thalia




As for the importance of English language learning, Chen Tianfeng, ESL coordinator and ESL teacher at LYBS High School – English Division, said, "English language is the cornerstone of learning for students and an important channel for them to understand the world and articulate themselves. help students complete standardized tests, but also to expand their horizons and develop them into adept lifelong learners."


Classes focus on student involvement and interaction, using questions to stimulate their thinking and participation in the classroom. In addition to emphasizing the learning and accumulation of language knowledge, Mr. Chen Tianfeng also often encourages students to apply what they learn, exercise logical thinking, express their opinions and boldly elaborate by holding class presentations and other means.

專業**師資團隊,助力學子發現潛能 Professional and experienced faculty team


Educators at LYBS High School – English Division have a wealth of teaching experience. The team features members with a Master's degree in TESOL English Education from the University of Pennsylvania, a Master's degree in Chinese and English Translation and Interpretation from the University of Nottingham, and a TKT Cambridge certification. Each teacher has their own personal strengths and unique teaching methods.


人文學科組長 & 英語語言文學老師


燎原高中國際課程班的英語教學與傳統的英語教學模式有何不同?對于這個問題,英語語言文學老師Ciarán ENGLISH表示,在LYBS我們:

How does teaching English at LYBS differ from the traditional English teaching models? In response to this question, English Language Arts teacher Ciarán ENGLISH stated we:


Empower learners and develop their communication skills in order to promote interaction in the English classroom.


Develop the ability to think independently. Independent thinking means taking a dialectical approach to what you see and hear, and questioning information and assumptions.


Connects English language learning to students' interests, their lives and what is happening in the real world. This exposes students to interesting material as a way to support their language learning even more.

LYBS 英語語言教學團隊

甄真 Jennifer




In my opinion, "language learning" is primarily about communicating across borders, and secondarily about reading more good literature. This subject is to enable students to master the vocabulary of English listening, reading, writing, and practicing various study and life skills, as well as supporting other professional disciplines.

尚瑞紅 Abby




English language learning is the foundation for students to do research while developing and improving their thinking skills.

方堃 Phoebe




The ESL program is the cornerstone of learning for students in the International Program, allowing them to practice listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary to improve their English and to learn all subjects in a fully English-speaking environment.

趙祎婧 Zoe



English is now one of the major international languages and its mastery and use has become very important. For students, especially those in English Division, learning the English language well will not only provide them with a good foundation for their future studies, but will also provide them with more opportunities and options to enter their desired universities and choose their desired careers in the future.

杜宇 Du Yu



English is not only a language skill for students, but also provides another way of thinking, another key for students to perceive the world.

索莉君 Suo li jun



對于燎原的學生來講,英語語言的學習是一切科目學習的基礎,英語作為一個溝通工具,學生們必須要熟練使用,才能為他們之后的留學做好充分的準備。English as a language is the foundation of all subjects for LYBS students, and as a communication tool, students must be proficient in it in order to be fully prepared for their future study abroad.

“作為國際交流語言,英語對希望出國留學和擁有更多全球思維的學生來說非常重要。我們使用各種PPT、項目、精讀活動和小組/個人作業來彰顯對小說、故事和其他文本的主要觀點、輔助細節和主題的理解。”國際課程班英語文學外方教師 Kyle Wisswell說。“Asthe international language of communication, English is SO important for students who wish to study abroad and have a more global mindset. We use a variety of PPT's, projects, close-reading activities, and group/individual assignments to demonstrate and showunderstanding of the main ideas, supporting details, and themes of novels,stories, and other texts.”teacher Kyle Wisswell said.


In addition, new IB DP language subjects at LYBS High School – English Division has a strong faculty to support the students.

即將加入燎原的學術總監,牛津大學耶穌學院英語系榮譽博士、牛津大學瓦德漢學院中世紀歷史碩士、牛津大學圣休學院經典與現代語言學士,精通9門語言。Liliana WORTH女士高中畢業于Malvern學院的IB文憑課程,她對全面的全球教育有**手的經驗,并將她廣泛的學術成就歸功于IB文憑給她帶來的堅實基礎。

Ms. Liliana WORTH, PhD of English from Jesus College of University of Oxford; Master of Studies of Medieval Studies with Distinction from Wadham College of University of Oxford;BA of Classics and Modern Languages, First Class from St Hugh’s College of University of Oxford who is fluent in nine languages and was a graduate of the IB Diploma Program at Malvern College, Oxford with first-hand experience of a well-rounded global education, crediting her extensive academic achievements to the solid foundation the IB Diploma has given her.


Prior to joining LYBS, Dr. Worth taught English, Latin, French, German and Spanish at schools and universities in Münster, Beijing, Shenzhen and Hong Kong, and she gained experience in educational technology through the development of online learning courses in English and Chinese. A passionate translator and linguist, Dr. WORTH is now learning her ninth language, and English versions of some of her translations of Mandarin and French works have been published in the UK and China.


Dr. WORTH is proud to be part of a school as international, forward-thinking and ambitious as LYBS. Her teaching philosophy focuses on nurturing each student's natural curiosity within an international framework, and she is excited about using the school's excellent resources to equip students with the skills to become global citizens. Her goal is to help review, upgrade and integrate LYBS' dynamic curriculum to meet the individual needs of each child and ensure that they develop national pride while acquiring the global skills needed for the 21st century.


We are confident that with a strong faculty, the students in the LYBS International Program will be better prepared for future academic success!

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