全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00
來源: 上海燎原雙語學校 編輯:佚名
At noon, Jan.8, the longexpected formal dress show finally launched in Liaoyuan. As the saying goes, “finefeathers make fine birds”, outfit is the second name card of one and is importantin creating public image. The gentlemen are all wearing suits, with elegantmanners; the ladies are all dressed up and graceful in manner. Look how mature and confident they are!
1、學生篇 Fashion
翩翩少年 Gentlemen
窈窕淑女 Ladies
The young adults are right at theheight of their youth and vigour! Afraid of being left behind of the students, our teachers all go for a catwalk on the red carpet one after another, bringing the atmosphere to a climax again and again.
2、教師篇 Fashion
良師益友 Mentor
激烈角逐之后,經全體師生投票,G10-4 安思佳 Ashley 榮獲冠軍,G10-1 汪學琴 Rebecca 榮獲亞軍,G11-3 陳凱 Jackie (左一)榮獲季軍!恭喜他們!
After a fierce competition, and voting of the students and the faculty, Ashley from G10-4 won the first prize, Rececca from G10-1 won the second prize, and Jackie from G11-3won the third prize. Congratulations!
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