全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00
來源: 上海燎原雙語學校 編輯:佚名
上海燎原國際高中:新春伊始 萬象更新
Ready for the new semester?
The students will return to school tomorrow afternoon. Hooray! I guess they are ready to go all out for the new semester already. Last semester, under the great support from parents and leadership of the school leaders, and with the hard work of teachers and active participation of students, fruitful achievements have been achieved. This semester, the whole faculty and staff of LYIS will work even harder and collaborate even closer in striving for more groundbreaking achievements. We will continue to refine teaching skills to improve teaching quality; and uphold teachers' code of morality and care for our students. Finally, our heartfelt thanks goes to all parents and students for trusting and supporting LYIS as always! Thank you!
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