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全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00


來源: 光華美高      編輯:佚名






Another very important reason for the popularity is that they can cause you addicted to them. The Scripps Research Institute in US found that experimental rats often ate sausages, bacon, and other high-calorie food, and then the brain underwent some changes. These changes are similar to the changes that appear when animals are addicted to cocaine, heroin and other drugs.

More and more people are starting to favor vegetarian diets; if it is possible, they would rather choose low-sugar and low-fat foods; or just eat fruits for a week in order to lose weight. Not because they don't like to eat those junk foods, but because they are afraid of the result.2


第二位選手是邱君毅同學,在他看來,垃圾食品之所以如此流行,主要有三個因素:一、價格便宜優勢,與普通餐廳相比,快餐的價格相對低廉;二、從眾心理,人類在特定的環境下會不自覺地跟風,盲目從眾;三、精準的推銷方式 ,很多垃圾食品的推銷能準確地抓住消費者心理,快速搶占消費市場。

What is junk food? First, let's back up and define "junk foods." It's the stuff you eat that has little or no nutritional value, usually combined with ingredients that are bad for you, or is high in calories when consumed in excess. So many things are junk food.Such as : chips , cake, candy......



There is another reason, have you ever seen the advertisement in which some people are eating the fried chickens or something else and tear them in purpose? Does that make you hungrier and want to have one? The answer is obvious, right? So, I really hate this but you cannot deny that they have succeeded in attracting your attention and arousing your desire.



Third, people can be addicted to junk food.Junk food, which has almost no nutrients, causes your brain to produce a substance called dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, a chemical that helps cells deliver impulse. This kind of brain endocrine is mainly responsible for sexual desire, feeling, excitement and happy information transmission of the brain. Like love ... love is also a result of a flood of dopamine in the brain. So love, like eating junk food, makes you happy and excited.



Taking McDonald’s as an example,the large pictures that the sellers use on advertisements or menus are much more attractive than real food so that it will catch our eyes instantly. But the price of this food is not marked next to the picture or the price only take very small part of the picture. This strategy greatly reduces our consideration on price and increases our desire for food. As a result, desires take controls and all we want is to satisfy ourselves.



Thousands of years ago, human was looking for high calorie’s food like sweet fruits or fatty meat. Those foods can provide more energy which can increase people's survival rate at that time. Even in the modern age people can get food easily, but our brain is still the reply same desire. And this is the reason why junk food is so popular.


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