



全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00


來源: 上海燎原雙語學校      編輯:佚名


In the past school year, grade 2 students and teaching team had achieved a successful year. There are few key elements that assisted the second grade team: dedication, collaboration, passion and reflection.




When it comes to dedication, our students who did well in the PYP program this year were all overachievers and hardworking individuals. They did what was requested and even more inside of classrooms and out of school. The teaching staff members also put in their best effort in planning, instruction and reflection.


Secondly, collaboration is the key to IB program and reflects the international-mindedness. Students did tons of collaborative work in pairs, threes or small groups. When they collaborate, they divide the assignment among themselves and come back to put all their work into one whole piece. The teaching team also planned each lesson and unit in this manner as well. All UOI lessons were also taught collaboratively by one western teacher and one Chinese teacher.




Next, the passion and love of UOI topics are also crucial to the success. Students displayed great interest towards all topics discussed in UOI classes. They always had many wonders when doing the W for KWL activity. Then the teaching team would design the unit based on student interests. This also shows that our PYP program is student-centered.


Last but not least, reflection helps us build upon our successes and move forward. The students and teaching members all reflect on what we’ve done well and what our weaknesses were periodically through the school year were. This helped us see clearly what we need to keep doing and what were the areas of improvement. No one can succeed without being reflective.

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