



全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00


來源: 上海燎原雙語學校      編輯:佚名


Today was the first event of the new semester. Students joined together in the gym to participate in this fun and exciting activity, Peas and Chopsticks.



The week before, the houses decided which students and teacher would participate. Each house needed to choose one boy, one girl, and one teacher to play this game. This semester, for every house event, a house teacher also needs to participate in the events.


In this activity students had to test their chopstick skills and complete tasks in four different rounds. In the first round one student had to use chopsticks to pick up a ball and transfer the ball to a box across the room. The student needed to do this with ten balls; if a ball dropped the student had to start over from where the ball dropped. The houses cheered on their teammates in this first competition. The students realized that this was harder than they thought as the balls kept on falling.


After this part was over, round two began. two students from each house participated and had to work as a team. One student used chopsticks to throw twenty paper balls and the other student held a box and tried to catch what was thrown. Neither student was allowed to move their feet.


In the third round, a different house member competed in a different task involving chopsticks. In this round, the student needed to stack blocks as displayed in the front of the room using only chopsticks. In order for the House to win, the blocks needed to stand for at least for ten seconds without falling. The students tried their best during this activity and kept on working hard even as their blocks fell down.


The fourth and final round involved all three team members. In this part, the teams needed to move peas from one box to a bowl. The teams were timed; the team that moved the peas the fastest was the winner. After time was up, the peas were counted.


After all the rounds were finished, the points were added up and the winner was declared. The Green Sphinxes and the Black Dragons tied for first place and received 60 points each. The Blue Minotaurs came in second place and received 10 points.


Great job to all the students and teachers that participated!

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