



全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00


來源: 上海燎原雙語學校      編輯:佚名


This past week, students and teachers participated in a three-day House Dodgeball tournament.

In this competition, each team chose three boys, three girls, and two teachers to participate. In this game, two teams competed against each other at a time. When it was time to start, the participants raced onto the courts to grab one of five rubber balls. Once a participant had a ball, he/she had to try to hit a member of the opposite team with the ball by throwing it at them. The player on the opposite side had to try to dodge the ball and not get hit. Once a player was hit by the ball, they were out. The players were not allowed to leave the court and the house member that weren't playing had to get the balls that were out of bounds and give them to their housemates.The team with the most players left at the end of the game was declared the winner. The House needed to win two out of three games before moving onto the next round.

On the first day, all six teams had a chance to participate. Students and teachers were eager to try this game and were very enthusiastic. After a competitive first day, the Red Phoenixes, Blue Minotaurs, Green Sphinxes, Black Dragons, and Golden Gryphons qualified to move onto the next round.

The next day, the Green Sphinxes and the Black Dragons competed first. After the Black Dragons won, the Black Dragons and the Red Phoenixes, and the Golden Gryphons and Blue Minotaurs, competed in the semi-finals. After a close competition it was the Golden Gryphons and the Red Phoenixes that moved onto the finals.

The third and last day, teachers and students eagerly stood around the Dodgeball court to watch the Dodgeball tournament finals. The Red Phoenixes and the Golden Gryphons were evenly matched and after two games they had both won one game each. However, in the final round the Golden Gryphons were able to beat the Red Phoenixes and were declared the winners of the Dodgeball Tournament.


On the first day the Red Phoenixes had a strong start, with the students and teachers working together.


The students tried their best to get the other team's players out.


On the second day, the Red Phoenixes (L) and the Golden Gryphons (R) won their games and qualified for the finals.


While the Red Phoenxies (L) competed well, it was the Golden Gryphons (R) that were declared the champions!

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