



全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00


來源: 上海燎原雙語學校      編輯:佚名


Discipline Procedure

Any minor incident will be dealt with within the classroom by the duty teacher, by reminding the child of the rule or task, or introducing such consequences such as withdrawal of privileges, asking the student to leave the class for a break and issuing of detention.

Should these problems persist then a warning letter will then be issued to the student. Parents will also be informed by letter, email or telephone and be made aware of their child’s consistent misbehavior and the punishment that has been issued as a consequence of this. Where possible the school will work together with parents to resolve any negative behavioral patterns.

If a student has received one flag for academic performance, immediate action will be taken in the form of a student, teacher, and student affairs member meeting. Parents will also be notified of the action and situation at this point in time.

If a more serious problem occurs then the Student Affairs Department or Principal will be informed and appropriate action shall be taken. For the academic year of 2014/15 the Student Affairs Department consists of John Coyle, Lee Jiang, and Principal Liu.

Persistent misbehavior will usually be dealt with in the following ways:

· A warning letter shall be issued by the Student Affairs Department. The student receiving the warning should collect it from the Student Affairs Department and participate in a conversation regarding behavior and resolution.

· A home/school contract – working with parents to produce a plan of action to encourage improvements in the student’s future behavior.

Individual counseling sessions with the Student Affairs Department on a regular basis until improvements have been made.

In extreme cases the Student Affairs Department or School Principal may decide that a child must be restrained using reasonable force, detention, withdrawal of privileges, important roles within the school being revoked or a period of suspension and finally expulsion may be necessary.

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