



全國統(tǒng)一學(xué)習(xí)專線 8:30-21:00


來源: 上海燎原雙語學(xué)校      編輯:佚名


This past Friday, the students at Liaoyuan International High School competed in the second annual Tomato Toss competition. The students spent weeks preparing for this competition with their houses. In this event, teams were given wood and other basic supplies and were required to build a catapult, using their creativity and knowledge of engineering, which would throw tomatoes across the sports field.

On the day of the competition, students were given the first 15 minutes to set up their machines on the sports field. Once all the machines were set up, the competition began. Each house had three tries to throw their tomatoes using their machines. Each team had the opportunity to choose the tomato that would be thrown.

In the first round, the Black Dragons were off to a strong start. Other teams did not do as well. The Golden Gryphons had some trouble the first round and threw their tomato straight up in the air. Unfortunately, the Red Phoenixes’ machine broke after their first try. During the second round, the Black Dragons continued to throw their tomatoes far across the field. The Golden Gryphons were able to fix the problems with their machine and were able toss their tomato almost as far as the Black Dragons. During the last round, the Black Dragons set a new record in how far a tomato had been tossed. The Golden Gryphons were close behind but could not make it as far as the Black Dragons. The Blue Minotaurs had a good machine as well, but were unable to throw it as far as the Black Dragons and Golden Gryphons. The Red Phoenixes tried to repair their machine during the last round; unfortunately, it had broke again and they were unable to toss any tomatoes.

After all tomatoes were tossed, it was announced that the Black Dragons received first place, the Golden Gryphons received second place, and the Blue Minotaurs received third place. Great job to all those who participated!


The Blue Minotaurs used their catapult toss their tomatoes across the field.


The Silver Centaurs worked hard; however, the were unable to beat the other teams.


The Red Phoenixes had an interesting design; unfortuntately their machine broke in the first round.


The Golden Gryphons worked together to prepare the machine for the competition.


The Green Sphinxes worked hard throughout the event.


The Black Dragons threw their tomato the furthest and were the winners of the 2015 Tomato Toss Competition.

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