全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00
來源: 上海燎原雙語學校 編輯:佚名
Dubbing is to replace the original speech in a part of film or television program in another language. Recently, our school set the DUBBING SHOW activity. Students who are interested in it can choose the dialogue in whatever film we like.
In my class, many students participated in this activity. For boys, we have Reo, Stephen and Jimmy. And in girls’ group there are Angela, Sammi and I. The boys wanted to choose some action movie while we girls were not fond of it. So boys and girls worked separately.
我們班很多人都參加了。男生中參加的有Reo, Jimmy和Stephen,這三位都是聲音十分好聽的潛在CV。女生除了我還有Angela和Sammi。
At beginning time, we don’t know what dubbing is and how we could get fun from it. Our homeroom teacher Zoe recommended us an application called 英語趣配音, which is a convenient tool for dubbing. We downloaded it on the phone. There are many film dialogues there. With good axe, we could begin to cut firewood, well, I mean, we could begin our dubbing.
To be honest, at the first time, I found no interest in this activity, either was Angela, who was forced by me and reluctantly joined my group when I threatened her using our friendship.
But the boys, however, they were very enthusiastic about this activity. Reo and Jimmy chose the movie SATR WARS, they dubbed for the talk between Luke and Darth Vader. Reo tried his best to imitate Darth Vader’s voice. They did it again and again to make the dubbing perfect. Angela and I were astonished when we watch their video. That was just amazing! The first time we heard their masterpiece, we believed that that’s the original movie, or even better than the original one.
值得一提的是,尋找合適的配音也是很重要的,所錄制的人的音色比較好要跟我們差不多。我的聲音比較軟,Angela的聲音比較低沉,一般的小姑娘的聲音不適合她。我們在找視頻時調侃她是后媽嗓,因為我發現每一段有step mother情節的片段中里面的后媽的聲音都很像Angela,像她那樣decent,像她那樣有氣場,像她那么攻。最后我們選擇了Maleficent沉睡魔咒。我配音沉睡魔咒里面的公主,Angela出演電影里的女王。提起我們配音的經歷可以說現在我們都記憶猶新,Angela的part里有幾段嘶吼,她因為這幾句周末在家了不知道多少遍。她用心揣摩電影中女王說這幾句話時的心里,她將自己帶入相應的角色,反復做練習。那次是我們上交作品的最后一個周末,Angela發告訴我她在家吼得喉嚨都啞了,最后終于做到她認為最滿意的程度。我也描述不出來我當時的心情,我覺得超級感動吧,小組合作中隊友尤其認真負責時總會給人一種很溫暖的感覺。我給她回復消息說:“后媽你真贊。”
Movie dubbing competition is end. We went final on last Thursday, we were so happy to have our Maleficent won the prize. We got the small golden man and certificates. Angela gave me five and smiled:” Yangyang, we’ve done great job.”
The prize was not that important, I think. How we tried during the preparation of dubbing is the very thing we learned from this experience.
Dubbing is really cool! Every time when we finished the work, we hear the result, we will be so proud of ourselves and think we are so professional.
Movie dubbing isn't a hard work if you really like the part which you are dubbing for. But I think I can do it better the next time.
This was the first time that I joined in a movie dubbing. So it was a bran-new challenge for me. At the first time, I didn't really interested in that,and felt like I couldn't complete it well. But my opinion changed after my several dubbing. It was an uneasy work, cuz it needed your effort and your understanding toward the character that you dubbed. But after your hardworking ,you will satisfied with your result. In addition, our pronunciation were all getting better,and dubbing skills were becoming more professional ! Even if we couldn't get any reward or ranking, it was still so much fun to do it!!
The most important thing in movie dubbing is that don’t keep your face. If you want get the affection you want, you should try your best.
Movie dubbing is very interesting, I really enjoy it.
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