全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00
來源: 上海燎原雙語學校 編輯:佚名
近期,上海燎原雙語學校英文部誠意邀請Ms. Janice Sigrist給家長們開展了一場以“如何幫助孩子提高閱讀”為主題的家長**坊講座。講座在上海燎原雙語學校一號樓二樓會議室順利舉行。
On Monday 16th of Septemberat 8:30am LYBS invited Ms. Janice Sigrist to give parents a workshop on how to help their children improve their reading through NRSI, our online reading programme.The lecture was held in the conference room on the second floor of the building 1.
講師介紹 Workshop Leader Introduction
Ms. JaniceSigrist擁有早期教育及小學教育雙學士學位,被同行及家長視為繪本教育大神級人物。她在中美兩國擔任過25年幼兒園園長,從教至今已有35年,NRSI分級閱讀創始人。
在她看來,閱讀是學習最有意義的方式。她經常說“閱讀可以激發孩子的好奇心,讓他們不斷地學習,成為一個終身學習者”,而這正與燎原的口號Lifelong learners create the future不謀而合。
Ms. Janice Sigrist, who has a double bachelor's degree in Early Education and Primary Education, is regarded by her peers and parents as leader in education. She has been a Kindergarten Director in China and the United States for over 25 years, and has been teaching for 35 years. She is also the one of the founders of NRSI Online Reading Programme in China.
In her opinion, reading is the most meaningful way to learn.She often says that "reading stimulates children's curiosity, it allows them to continue to learn and become a lifelong learner."
講座精髓 The Essence of the Lecture
The workshop was divided into four parts: learning styles, learning environments, reading styles and habits, and engaging the children in reading at home. Unlike previous workshop formats, this use of games, interactions, and sharing allowed parents to understand their children's reading style and choose the way to read that is right for them, thus generating an interest in reading.
The focus of this reading program is to enhance your child's understanding and understanding of vocabulary. The main purpose of this parent workshop, however, was to show the parents how we can cooperate together to guide the children to understand the text, stimulate children's interest in reading consciously, and enjoy the process of comfortable reading.
Ms. Janice Sigrist特別強調家長們要創造有創意、使人覺得舒適的閱讀環境,每天堅持與孩子共同閱讀20分鐘,更重要的是“持之以恒”。
Ms. Janice Sigrist stresses that parents want to create a creative, comfortable reading environment, and that they continue to read with their children for 20 minutes a day - persistence is key!
在開學第二周的家長課程說明會中,李蓉和IainRiley校長向全體小學家長說明了LYBS所有的家校溝通模式,此次家長**坊講座正是新學期家校溝通新的實踐。 學校也在積極地通過各種渠道與家長們溝通孩子在校的情況,老師可以把每個孩子的學期報告分享給他們的父母;也希望家長們多向老師反映孩子們在家的表現。相信這樣更能及時發現不足,及時彌補缺漏,讓孩子德智體美勞各方面潛能得到充分的發展。
Last week at our Parents Evening, Principal Li and Iain Riley explained to all our primary school parents the ways in which we the parents and school will work together, and this parent workshop lecture was a good example of that communication.
The school is also actively communicating with parents about their children's education through various channels. The teachers are able to share each child's termly report on reading with the parents but they would also want parents to report their children's performance at home, to the teachers.
This Parent Workshop gives parents a betterunderstanding of leveled reading. Schools will continue to bring morehigh-quality resources to enhance parent-school communication, as well asprovide opportunities to help children improve.
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