全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00
來源: 上海燎原雙語學校 編輯:佚名
Liaoyuan International Division Behavior Policy
At Liaoyuan we aim to create a welcoming, caring environment where relationships are built on mutual respect and to develop positive self-esteem in each student. We as teachers and parents should all be committed and play an active role in maintaining the high expectations of good behavior as an essential contribution to the educational experience of each student, to their happiness and well-being while in school.
Expectations of Liaoyuan International Division Students.燎原國際高中對學生的期望
At Liaoyuan International Division the children are encouraged to:
●Try hard to do their best in all areas: homework, coursework etc.
●Be kind and speak politely to everyone in the school community.
●Respect other people, their possessions and school property.
●Be helpful.
●Ask for help or tell an adult if they are experiencing any problems.
●Accept responsibility for the things they do.
We believe that the most effective way of achieving our aims is to praise and encourage positive behavior.
Examples of such behavior will be praised in class, both verbally and by receiving tangible rewards issued at the teachers’ discretion.
All students have the right to develop and fulfill their potential in a safe and happy environment.
The rules or codes of behavior are essential for maintaining the rights. These are split into three areas:
●Whole School
●Academic Area
●Social Area
For the students’ rights to be maintained they each need to take on the responsibility of the schools rules. If students break the rules they must understand that they have chosen to do this and therefore must accept the consequences of their actions.
Some of the general school rules are as follows燎原國際高中一些需要遵守的規則:
1. All students should speak English all of the time whilst inside the school buildings and during any outdoor class activity.
2. Classroom computers are to be used for academic purposes only.
3. School uniform must be worn for every academic lesson and field trip. If the student have not received or ordered the school uniform then they must wear black or khaki coloured trousers with a collared plain white or light blue shirt similar to that of the school uniform. Jeans are not permitted.
4. Internet routers are banned from school premises and shall be confiscated permanently if found.
5. No running inside the school building or any other dangerous activity.
6. It is forbidden to have your mobile phone or personal electronic devices (including electronic dictionaries) in the academic area if found they will be confiscated.
7. No smoking, cigarettes, or alcohol are allowed anywhere on the school premises if students involved is any type of incident they will receive a direct red warning without exception. If this problem is repetitive the students may be excluded from the school without further discipline procedures.
8. Students are allowed to wear one plain ear stud per ear only should they have an ear piercing.
9. Hair should be kept clean, washed regularly and of the students natural hair color.
10. Respect our environment, be responsible and do not litter.
11. Always be considerate, respectful and courteous to other teachers, students and guests.
12. Don’t be late for school, classes or any extra-curricular activity.
13. No food or drink is to be consumed except water (in sealed clear container) during class time, in the LRC or fitness center.
14. Students must maintain cleanliness and hygiene by showering at least once a day.
15. Before the start of each class, only the current class materials are to be on student desks. Any materials not related to the class should be removed from the desk. No personal belongings should be obstructing the walkways. Non-required items should be kept in personal lockers only.
16. Students are responsible for their locker keys and will be charged for replacements.
17. Lost academic materials are the responsibility of each student. Replacements and related cost will need to be taken care of by the students themselves.
18. No cursing, profanity, or aggressive language should be used at any time during the school day. This also pertains to offensive clothing slogans that may be worn.
19. Students should refrain from overly physical (including intimate or inappropriate) contact with either sex.
20. School facilities are the property of the school and to be potentially used by other students and teachers. Students should refrain from “claiming” a space or table as their own and should maintain the environment so that it remains a “communal space”.
21. Students should always show respect in class towards the teacher, their classmates, and themselves. They should not sleep in class. Students are expected to actively participate in all class activities and pay attention at all times.
22. Students will only be excused from class with a signed doctor’s note. Any other personal leave that is taken for any other reason will be treated as an absence, which will lead to loss of participation grades and test scores. Any missed work will be the sole responsibility of the student. An overly excessive amount of absence may lead to expulsion from school.
23. Students are prohibited from ordering food from outside food companies that may be delivered to school. Doing this is not only unhealthy and potentially hazardous to health and nutrition but also probably means students have left school property to collect food without permission and used their mobile phone to order it. This rule also includes buying drinks or snacks through school gates from illegal vendors.
24. Students who live in school must return to the dorm room no later than 21:10 if they’re late then they will be issued a detention, the door will be locked from the inside for security and they may not be allowed to stay in the dorm room. If this rule is repeatedly broken students may be required to return home at 5pm every evening.
25. Any student who persistently breaks dorm room rules and causes disruption on a regular basis or is disrespectful towards the dorm room teachers will also not be allowed to stay in the dorm room any longer and must return home every evening.
26. Students are not permitted to participate in public displays of affection or intimacy in school this includes any type of physical contact.
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