全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00
來源: 上海燎原雙語學校 編輯:佚名
一、The Liaoyuan House System燎原國際高中團隊對抗賽體系
It's difficult to impossible to succeed by oneself in today's ultrafast, uber-competitive world. That's why “teamwork” is such an important concept and highly sought after trait for individuals to possess, either in academia, industry, or life in general. Teamwork is not a skill that can be easily “learned”. Rather, it is something that must be experienced and naturally integrated into one's psyche and attitude towards life.
Liaoyuan International High School established the House System in order to give our students the opportunity to acquire and practice teamwork, collaboration, and communication skills. All year round, school events large and small are held for the students so that they can practice working as one part of a larger whole, instilling a sense of belonging and pride of contributing to a greater good. Events are designed to challenge students' physical, mental, and creative abilities. These events are also designed to be inclusive of boys, girls, and teachers alike.
Discipline is also an issue that Liaoyuan takes seriously, and is intricately tied into the house system. Disciplinary problems result in the loss of house points, while positive performance such as being responsible, taking initiative, volunteering for school activities, or general all around excellence results in additional house points. Each house member's actions will effect their house and each member must be responsible to maintain the standing and image of their house.
Lastly, the House System was set up so that students could have fun and experience a range of social activities that they might not have a chance come in contact with in regular class time.
Meeting times are on Weds. at 12:15 in designated classrooms.
二、House Points團隊對抗賽計分方式
Houses receive points through winning competitions, having excellent performance in class, and participating in various activities:
House scores will be displayed prominently in the lobby.
1st: 60 pts
2nd: 30 pts
3rd: 10 pts
honorable mention: 3pts
participation: 1pt
All teachers can give points to students who perform excellently (effort, not grades) in class by awarding 1-5 pts to that student, which gets transferred to the respective house.
Students will never be awarded points if they ask for them.
Houses will lose points if members of their house have discipline issues:
half detention: -1 pt
full detention: -2pts
blue warning: -5pts
red warning: -20pts
All houses begin with a baseline score of "100".
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