全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00
來源: 光華美高 編輯:佚名
High schools in China are taking action towards climate change
Climate change has become one of the biggest challenges that mankind is facing in the 21st century. Teenage concern around climate change has been specially active this year. The story of Greta Thunberg was shared across the world, and due to her age even in China we felt that we could associate with the mission, and I have also begun to feel that climate change is also my responsibility. Countries around the world have carried out extensive exchanges and cooperation in dealing with climate change and formulated a series of international agreements. Among other commitments and new policies, China has reaffirmed support of the Paris Climate Agreement, and in recent years has gradually cut its emissions,although whether this effort will suffice we still do not know. In the same way, schools in China have set up measures to deal with climate change.
Indeed, if we want to solve the problem of climate change thoroughly, we should establish the awareness of environmental protection in the next generation. Therefore, schools should be at the forefront of environmental protection. Schools can do quite a lot of things, and following are some of the initiatives at my school in Shanghai:
In my primary school and middle school, the rubbish generated from our snacks and food wrappers have to be sorted into recycling bins.
My school advocates “Operation empty plate”, where students and staffs are advised to finish all food on the dish.
Our school prefers hiking as a class activity instead of spring and autumn excursions. The advantage of hiking is that we don’t need transportation.
It is mandatory that when there is no one in the classroom, all lights and fans are turned off.
Each semester, our school organizes a group activity where students and staff go to the farm to collect the excrement of cattle and sheep, and make organic fertilizer with the help of farm managers.
Many schools in Shanghai have now formed “climate change” focused club activities. There is a Climate Change discussion club in my school. Climate change is also a frequently discussed topic in school clubs such as Model United Nations.
During the holidays, students are advised to go out with their parents to collect waste recyclables and put them in the community recycle bin.
There is a section in the campus magazine about the recent environmental change. Students and
Our school does not provide any disposable dish ware. We are advised to prepare recyclable or reusable items, such as wooden or steel tableware.
During Arbor Day, our school organizes tree-planting activities. Every family is encouraged to complete the planting of a tree.
There is a section in the campus magazine about the recent environmental change. Students and parents can learn more about the harmful effects of climate change and new technologies.
This is our earth and the home for generations to live. Only by instilling the awareness of environmental protection in everyone’s mind can this problem be solved one day. I hope that by sharing these initiatives other students can be motivated and also begin contributing in any way possible. I hope to also continue such efforts as I grow and progress as a college student.
正如David 所言,地球是我們賴以生存的家園,每個人都有義務扛起環保的大旗,保護生態環境,節能減排少污染。環保不分大小,責任不分輕重,從你我做起,從身邊小事做起,以身作則,帶動周圍人參與環保行動,讓我們攜手共創美好家園!
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